My Kahr is Back...


New member
Some of you may remember the thread (or two) I started about my broken Kahr... is one of those threads if you want to read it, too...

Well, sometime while I was sunning myself on the glorious beaches of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for my honeymoon, my Kahr made its way back to my friendly FFL's place.

The thing has, I presume, a new frame under my old slide. There weren't any distinguishing marks on my old who knows? It might be an entirely new pistol.

I also asked that a strange was-there-from-factory-new nick be taken out of the far left hand edge of the feed ramp. The feed ramp is now nick-free.

So either I only have a new frame under my old slide and bbl, or I've gotten an entirely new firearm.

I shipped it with zero magazines; and it was returned with exactly zero magazines. I was hoping that one extra would find it's way back with it... Oh well.

I'll be shooting it some this weekend to see how she runs. Will post more updates!



New member
I presume that I just got a new frame, there weren't any distinguishing marks on the slide for me to tell if it's the same one or not.

Plenty of "wear" on the bbl, though. I'm pretty sure it's the same; stands to reason that the slide is the same too.

I put 100 or so rounds through it on Saturday afternoon. I'm sorely disappointed.

What was once a 100% reliable firearm turned into about a 50% reliable one.

I had several failures to feed (next to last round in magazine), several instances of the slide not locking back upon empty, and several instances of the magazine releasing (next to last round in magazine...cause/effect of the FTF issue).

Other than that, it worked fine... Ahem.

I'll give it another 100 rounds and go from there.



New member
Ahhh. The wonderful world of Kahr ownership. Waiting around wondering what's going to be the next problem to develop.

I've owned 2 of them and they were nothing but trouble. Best day of my gun ownership life is when I dumped them for more reliable brands.


New member
Indy Guy,

I wonder if your new frame just needs to be broken in? When my MK9 was new, I had a number of failures until I had more than 100 rounds through it; it has been good to go since then (so long as I lube it properly).

I hope it works out for you.


New member
Sorry to hear of your problems with the CW40. I don't understand it, but do understand your frustration. Hope that you're doing everything according to owner's manual.

CW9 is great. Suggest those interested in Kahr not swear them off at all. 750 flawless rounds through mine. Not bad for the $400 I paid. 18.7oz. weight empty with mag attached. Pocket carry is feasible in an UM #4 or a Nemesis.

May be the .40 is a bit much for the frame, don't know.

Have there been similar problems with the CW45? If not, then it's likely you got a lemon and should demand a brand new one. Or you are not following the manual and not doing a full break-in, and cycling properly. Reading and following the manual is important with Kahr firearms, IMHO.


New member
Working on the "new" break-in period...

I've almost come to the conclusion that the new frame's magazine catch is the problem with most of the issues, actually. Might also have something to do with the nick I had them take out of my feed ramp. The thing was so far to the left it didn't affect feeding, should've just left well enough alone.

Next time I shoot it, I'm going to be 'that much more' aware of my hand position on the grip as to not cause any interferance with it. Perhaps a stiffer catch spring is in order...

Am definitely going "by the book" again this time, just as I did when it was brand slingshotting, as an example. (even though my "old" pistol would allow me to do this)

I also may very well give up on the .40 and go with a 9. Defensive rounds in the .40 are downright unpleasant! (not to mention, expensive)



New member
How would you compare shooting defensive rounds in CW40 to shooting .38 +P in an AirWeight? or .357 full loads in an AirLite?

I don't understand your mag catch problem. I had a problem with mags dropping due to my hand position with convulsive grip (I'm left-handed), and possibly recoil. Kahr sent me a heavier mag catch SPRING which I had installed by my GS. It's no longer an issue.

In any event, be sure the magazine is FULLY seated. It's easy to miss on that one. Tap hard up and then try to pry down with fingers. If unable, you are golden.