MY Illinois 11 Point


New member
I was fortunate enough to shoot this buck Monday evening on the 5th day of a 6 day hunt at a small 160 acre farm in Pike County Illinois. Due to a very wet fall they have been extremely late getting the corn up and the weather turned warm on us while we were up there. Those two factors really cut down on deer movement. But this buck came out of a standing corn field trailing behind 3 does. Shot him with a Grim Reaper which blew through his left shoulder; drove on through his chest; and wedged into the bone of his right shoulder. He snapped my arrow in two when he took off back towards the field. As I watched him run his chest just started getting lower and lower until he plowed the ground and rolled over. Ran about 70 yards. Main frame 10 point with a forked right brow tine making him an 11 point. Weighed 225lbs on the farmers scales. Tickled to get him as under the conditions we were faced with I was starting to catch a faint whiff of tag soup. LOL!



New member
Awesome buck brother. Gotta love those Grim Reapers. Been using them since they came out. They are a nasty broadhead.

Great Job!!


New member
Were you just visiting Pike county or do you live there? I am in Pike county every week and they do have some monsters down there. Nice deer by the way. One less to hit on the road. :D