My idea to protest MMM/Brady rallies/meetings


New member
Well, I was doing the dishes this weekend and listening to the TV.

You guys ever see that credit card commercial where that big burly guy is in the dress shop trying on clothes - then he goes out and gets in the car with his buddies and they all have on womens clothes and pig noses?

Anyway, I think it would be funny and useful to make up a group ("Gun Grabbin Brannies"?) and go and protest MMM style events.

However - have some manly looking men in silly old women clothes with signs that parody the anti message.

This is really the crux of my point - so often, the pro and anti statements are canned and re-canned.

What if, instead of the traditional signs, we had signs that say:

"You are too dumb to own a gun"

"Guns are really scary!"

"The 2nd Ammendment was a mistake!"

"Don't shoot!, Call 911!"

I am sure someone could come up with better slogans. The point is to state the literal, unwashed message of the antis - sans the PC gloss they put on it.

You don't have to have the guys in ladies clothes (pig noses DEFINATELY required) but it would just be too funny.


New member
i find it effective to go to the local meeting and sit quietly till they go around the room introducing themselves

i say
Hello i am from the TRT

last meeting was the MMM coordinator, a gunny, a hippie chick & me


New member
Well, so many ideas sound good in your head but don't make the translation to reality that well.

I guess I sometimes get frustrated by the way we tend to try to counter the antis - responding with facts often gives them too much credit...



New member
I saw that commerical you're talking about for the first time this weekend and laughed till I had tears in my eyes....

I understand what you're trying to say but I don't think it would translate the way you envision it....but I do agree that maybe the best way to counter them would be with some real down dirty satire of them.....since they do not have the capacity to respond to facts and reality. Kinda like the school yard bully - you don't reason with them you kick the s*** out of them and that they it or not the "kinder and gentler" method of dealing with these braindead antigun lemmings does not work - no matter how hard you have to do something they do understand and that is usually being right up in their faces....

I hate to sink to their level but often coming close is what it takes - but you have to be care and remain just that much higher than them to make sure the public looking in sees them as the blazing rabid idiots and you as the poor misunderstood gunowner...

If you've ever had occassion to deal with these mental dwarfs publically one on one - you'll find they only parrot what has been drummed into their heads - they are incapable of independent thought or speech short of irrational highly emotional outbursts.....they feed and survive on emotion - not reason or sanity.

Got the usual grunt over on the Matilda board currently spouting her vile mothership rhetoric that the State of Montana lets 14 year olds buys and have guns.....what she's done is taken the state statue and turned it around so that her version reads that way not how the true statue reads - which is rather imbigious to begin with since it only says 14 and under must be under adult supervision at all time.....

But we are talking about Montana here not the bronx of NY or Logan Square or Cabrini in have a better chance of being bitten by a rabid coyote in Montana than being shot by a gangbanger there....

By the way - do people still play twister....



New member
If you got the press to see you, it would work.
And it would be funny as h*ll.

Imagine the big 6'3 (I'm too short to pull this off) unshaven, with lipstick, skirt wearin, MMM. Totin' the sign with all of those quotes boldly printed on it. Guns are really loud! , Guns hurt stuff... etc. Plus the ones above.

If the press actually was actually stupid enough (& I think they are) to come and interview the guy, and he says, "Guns, yeah guns, are... are... just instruments of Satan!!!"
I think the sheeple might say to themselves. Baa, you know, that guy is ridiculous! Hm, ba, the rest of them kind of are too. Hm, ba, this whole anti-gun mess is ridiculous.

I think it could work. Especially if there were about 25 of these yokels.


New member
Pendragon, you are a genius!

But you really need a coordinated tv campaign for this.

A few years ago I had a major illness (cancer) so had to spend a lot of time at home, too sick to read or talk to anybody, so I watched daytime TV. I noticed whenever the talk show "celebrities" interviewed leftists they always found the most suave, well spoken ones and whenever they interviewed anyone with reasonably sane political ideas it was always unwashed bikers, skinheads, truck stop whores et cetera.

I wouldn't want to go in drag for fear they would somehow try to turn it around and say we were trying to 'gay bash'. Rather I'd just try to look my usual neanderthal self but a lot more bedraggled, dirty and with dumbed down languag. I wouldn't say anything to get me thrown out, but I'd try to make sure I was in all the media ops pics. This would be difficult to pull off unless a person was a really good actor; the entire point would be to make a believable idiot.

Better yet why not go, not say anything but find some sincere morons to come with you and register them as speakers.

Fleas would be a really nice touch, in fact if you had enough of them to release you wouldn't have to really do anything weird at all.


New member
OK, guys, those are not just big burly men with womens clothes and pig noses. Those are Hogettes -- as in Washington Redskins fans. They've been wearing those get-ups to games since the glory days of Gibbs, Theisman, Riggans, and "The Hogs" (thus the name). They are in the pro footbal hall of fame with other famous fans.

Jeesh!! :p


New member
whatever they are...

I think they are pretty funny - in a good way.

Anyway - we should have people supplying the anti gun soundbite for the anti gunners:

"we are just trying to get another gun off the street and out of the hands of a dangerous citizen"



New member
i prefer to take a more colonial bent in my RKBA street theater. We wear Tricorn hats and ring town crier bells.

Barbershop quarteting satirical song parodies is fun too...

The press & especially TV is looking for entertainment. This can be used to co-opt a guncontrol media event. You will be amazed however, what an editor with an agenda can do to your planned response. They may interview you for 15 minutes but run footage of a "nut" on the sideline.
Guess who's message gets broadcast?

Branding the MMM as anti american is an effective meme to spin today

i wonder what kind of press a colonial "tar and feathering" of Sarah brady in effige would generate?

The MMM national convention is next week in Washington DC




New member
I posted about an MMM demonstration I counter-protested about a year and a half ago, and found out that there were several TFL'ers there. This was in downtown Dallas, at the Kennedy Memorial (guns killed him, you know?) and three of us went down after hearing about it from the TSRA rep at the Market Hall gun show.

In all, the forces of sanity were about 12 or 15 strong, standing in the back. The spandex-straining forces of hand wringing bliss-ninnyism were about 60-70 strong, but were reported the next day on NPR as "over a hundred."

In retrospect, I think the most important thing is not to make a big spectacle of yourself, although the Hogettes would have me rolling, but to get numbers out there. 20 or 30 neatly dressed and articulate BOR supporters will make a much better impression on the TV news than a funny guy in a dress. I see your point about the signs, and pointing out the absurdity of their position to them, but they are working solely off of emotion, and you will appear cruel and uncaring of the tragedy of their loss if you make a joke out of it. When we started to embarrass them, a representative came over and told us that we should not be there, that it was a memorial service for all the children that were killed by guns. One woman even went so far as to complain to a police officer (a man with a gun) to try and get me hassled into silence, with no success. At that point, I loudly proclaimed, "You don't have any more respect for the First Amendment than you do for the Second, do you, ma'am?"

All politics is local.


New member
good point

Good observations.

Some of the people involved in MMM are people who have lost loved ones and are looking for a way to make some sense of their loss.

While I think it would be fun to do some wacky street theater (complete with a dude dressed in black and white stripes and a mask) to illustrate some basic concepts - it would be ainappropriate to crash an ememy event in such a way.

How about people neatly dressed holding signs that say

My Gun Saved My Life

My Gun Has Never Killed Anyone

Owning a Gun Is Not A Crime


I think in the current political climate, we probably need to take every opportunity to apear calm and rational.


New member
Print out some of Oleg's fantastic images and have them blown up into signs. I love the "Free men own guns. Slaves don't" one with a dark brown hand holding the fore end of a scoped rifle. And the one with a 1911 closeup over the statement, "Human beings understand reason, compassion, dignity. Predators understand strength."

Oleg is a frickin' poet, and I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see his work on TV at your next counter-demonstration.

Hunter Rose

New member
for those making signs...

Remember to bring a staple gun with you to repair wind blown signs. However, don't bring one of those dreaded "high-capacity assualt staplers"! Ask Bedlamite for details (tell the dweeb I sent ya)...

We DO need to get more people out to counter-demonstrate. And the more women, gays, blacks, etc that are involved, the better...