My Home State In The News Today....


New member
British tabloid captioned the story as Tn has eliminated background checks. The commenters who did not read the actual article were really roasting Tn and the gov.


New member
Off topic but IIRC in the past other newspapers and media were quick to dump on a newspaper or media that made a mistake like this. Now days mistakes and gaffes seem to be ignored.

In Minnesota, years ago when we got "common sense" concealed carry laws many of our legislators ran out "the streets will run red" canard testifying to these claims after donning a bomb disposal vest with the high collar claiming this would become the standard wear if the legislation was passed.


New member
News isn't news anymore.
It's more focused on belief manipulation.
Tell the people what the high bidder wants them to think.
Truth and facts are irrelevant.


New member
Same in Iowa, we just passed Constitutional Carry. Our mostly excellent Governor has erred on the side of liberty in most major decisions. She doesn't deserve the beat down she's getting from the media. They just report you can now buy a gun without a state permit and background check, never mention that the buyer still gets called in to NICS, but then they criticize the NICS for having limited, out of date information.


New member
Yep, Iowa here too. I remember the des moines register said Iowa would turn into the old west with gun battles happening every day and blood on the streets.


New member
Here in AZ, we have no-permit concealed carry for AZ residents. Open carry as well. No blood-baths here. I like open carry as it invites conversations with like-minded individuals. I also get to see different holster options!


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I'm in Northern Virginia, but planning a move to SW Virginia very soon. Maybe I'll just go a couple miles more and settle in TN.


New member
Not my state but I noticed the gov of WV signed law to eliminate sales tax on guns/ammo...

Mine would never do that. Even the legislature would never propose. Im going to suggest such to my elected folks.


New member
British tabloid captioned the story as Tn has eliminated background checks. The commenters who did not read the actual article were really roasting Tn and the gov.

Who gives a rat's a$$ what the Brits think. They get all weak kneed over a pocket knife.


New member
Noelf2 --- come on down to NE Tennessee, a Free State. Not only is it more firearms friendly but there is NO state income tax. I see the VA state line from my front porch and shake my head at the "iron curtain" at the border.
No state income tax and constitutional carry? The Volunteer State just got better.

BTW, years ago I was present when the cars circled the capitol and protested the proposed state income tax. Just happened to be there at the right time to see it.