My handguns


New member
So the first firearm I ever bought was an S&W Sigma .40. It was a 21st b-day gift to myself.

Was my first gun, so I had no idea what a good trigger was, etc. Learned to fire it, was halfway decent with it. Ended up selling it at a gunshow about 6 months later to fund an AK that fell through.


About a year later, I bought my next handgun. A Springfield XD9. Fantastic trigger. Gave it to my dad to replace his .32Colt revolver.


Apparently I hadnt learned my lesson, because this past January I bought another Sigma, this time in 9mm. Are pics necessary? Sold it a short time later.

And now, my latest purchase. I think this will be my HD and carry weapon for a hopefully long time. SIG Sauer P6.



New member
So how are you going to build up a nice collection if you keep selling/giving them away?:D

I think you're headed in the right direction though.


New member
The only thing I dont like about the SIG is the lack of a rail on it. How else will I add the SIG knife??


And as for my collection, I'm more of a long gun enthusiast :)
