My gosh, these people...


New member
on topic topics

Gun forum for guns. Home Theater forum for audio/video. Movies forum for movies. ;)

I'd never ask here about Home Theater Gear, that's what is for. And, I'd never ask about guns. I don't know what kind of response you expected from that other forum you asked's crowd. :confused:

Maybe I should ask what my next gun should be on the forum (if the4y have one). lol :p


New member
You did good kid
You held your own and countered their comments respectfully without the name calling I would have resorted to by the end of the second page.
I'm proud of you


New member
I think a lot of them were shocked by the fact that you're 14, and trying to get a gun. Then, the talk about gun rights as a whole erupted.... Show them the stats about guns in our society. They're computer nerds, I figure they should be good with numbers and logic. You may want to mention that places like britain, canada, have about double the violent crime we do. (Although keep in mind that we do have many more murders as a whole, if they want to throw it back at you).


New member
Don't pay attention to them. Us "gun nuts":mad: take care of our own. I started shooting really young as well and always wanted a handgun too. If you ever wanna ask something you can always pm me on here. if I know the answer I'll tell ya if I don't I'll find out or send ya to someone who can tell ya. I love people on forums that resort to bashing the U.S because we say something about guns. Not my fault your country doesn't think you should protect yourself! They're just jealous :D GOD BLESS AMERICA! :cool:
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New member
Well, I knew there were a couple folks there who liked guns at one point, and I just wanted any opinions I could get,

I think I'm gonna give them a link to Oleg Volk's site, and they can try his quiz... :cool:

John G

New member
Great job, Jguy101. You display better spelling and grammar than people ten years your senior. Outstanding! :)

(my first time shooting: 10 years old with the Boy Scouts. First gun: single-shot .16ga shotgun at age 12)


New member
Heh, I think I was nine or ten the first time I went out with my uncles. Mostly shot an old Marlin lever-action .22, but also shot a round each off of a bolt-action .308 and a .40 Glock 23. Just got my 10/22 in October.