My god... they're actually considering it...


New member
So.. maybe I'm just not reading right 'cause I'm up past me bedtime, but um... remember how during the worst of the legal suits against firearms manufacturers a couple years back, we said "you might as well sue McDonald's for making food that gives people heart disease?"


Lawyers See Fat Payoffs in Junk Food Lawsuits

Maybe when I wake up in the morning, this will all be gone, and I'll realize I was just dreaming that the world went collectively insane.


New member
This doesn't surprise me at all. We've been hearing rumblings about this for some time now.

I also read recently (sorry, I disremember where) that the department of health is looking at listing obesity as a disorder that should be covered under health insurance plans, and then pressuring insurance companies to cover lose-weight programs, diet medications, etc.

We're about to have another ninny-group that gets special protection, special treatment, and special privileges for a behavior-based lifestyle choice that they voluntarily choose.

Because, of course, no one is responsible for their own choices anymore. I'm sure all those quarter pounders and ice cream cones jumped up and forced themselves down people's throats, hence, they had no choice in the matter.

Jim V

New member
The Surgeon General has made a statement about obesity and "junk food".

If the law suits result in fast food places being closed down, how soon do you think before we start finding trial lawyers stuffed in dumpsters?


New member
I wouldn't worry about your junk food folks.

The government will soon have some nice delicious Soylent Green for you.......


New member
Ok, I'm lighting a cigarette, eating a fudge brownie, and drinking a DrPepper as I write. I'm about 10lbs over where I want to be, and I have a bit of a cough. Any lawyers out there know what this is worth?


New member
There is a group of trial lawyers that consider the bar to be the fourth branch of government. They are the ones Clintoon went to in order to attack Big Tobacco, attack Big Gun, attack Big Software, etc. These people have syphoned off billions of dollars from the economy. They have completely distorted business decisions.

Fast forward to 9-11. The threat of galactic scale lawsuits against anyone and everyone having anything to do with the 9-11 event spurred congress to pass the airline bailout legislation. The bailout legislation you Say? Yep! Congress included insurance payouts to the victims families and survivors in exchange for not sueing. So now we have the precedence of the federal government becoming the preferred insurer all in an effort to head off the damage caused by a small group of attorneys.

So I gotta ask; how come congress don't start putting restraints on these people. You know, fix the problem not tinker with the system? Congress won't mess with them because they are members of congress and they are the biggest single contributing group to congress.

These people are in the business of moving from one pot of money to another pot of money. As soon as they saw success in attacking tobacco, it was inevitable they would go after fast food.

Next stop is drug manufacturers. Why? Because drug makers are loaded with cash.


New member

This seems to be the way our civilization is destined to go. A growing split between those who wish to be responsible for themselves and those who wish to make the "gub-mint" responsible for all of us.

I am also concerned.

But i will be really worried when these nuts begin discussing "the fast-food burger of choice of these over-weight victims...."


New member
Sometimes, I wish this country would go ahead and self-destruct so those of us who are prepared could properly rebuild!:(
What a crock of S**t! So I guess nobody is responsible for themselves anymore. I can't believe that we've gotten to the point where someone is actually considering this. I always wonder when they talk about the impact on the health care system, isn't that the reaon people have health insurance? You pay the insurance company so that when you have health problems they use Your Money to cover the cost.


New member
2 notes:

1) I'd have an easier time believing obesity was a genetically-linked disease if this wasn't the ONLY nation on Earth to have 30% sufferers. Somehow, I can't buy that the genese in the melting pot are different.

B) They've found a non-legislative way to enforce socialism. Rather than tax your assets, they just seize them in court.


New member
1) I'd have an easier time believing obesity was a genetically-linked disease if this wasn't the ONLY nation on Earth to have 30% sufferers. Somehow, I can't buy that the genes in the melting pot are different.

That is a truly excellent point. I have often said something akin to this when people trot out the 'its a disorder' line of reasoning. However, your rebuttal is more concise.

some people are obese because they suffer from a disorder. Most people are fat because they eat too damned much.

Ok, I'm lighting a cigarette, eating a fudge brownie, and drinking a DrPepper as I write. I'm about 10lbs over where I want to be, and I have a bit of a cough. Any lawyers out there know what this is worth?
OK, I just choke-laughed a bunch of coffee (with sugar and half and half) and a partially chewed Dove (tm) dark chocolate onto my keyboard. I think someone needs sued as well. ;)



New member
In regards to the fixing of the "sue 'em all" trend, this is one of Bush's campaign promises. I don't remember where.... hold on. Maybe I can find that article.

Nope, guess not.

Anyway, it was a chart showing Bush's promises and how many he has completed. Pretty impressive for the first year. Maybe tort law reform is coming up soon.


New member

Perhaps we can get McDonalds, BK, Wendy's et al. to donate money to the defense of gun manufacturers. If they can stop precedents from being set in the gun suits, they make later lawsuits against them harder.

When they came for the cigarette makers, I did nothing because I did not make cigarettes

When they came for the gun makers, I did nothing because I did not make guns

When they came for the hamburger makers, I did nothing because I did not make hamburgers

When they came for the beer makers, I did nothing because I did not make beer

Now they are coming for me, a computer maker, saying I cause carpel tunnel syndrom and cronic lower and upper back aches, leading people stop exercising and die early, but there is no one left to defend me.


New member
Several years ago I had dinner with an attorney whose firm had done some work on the tobacco suits. He predicted at that time that the fast food companies like McDonalds would be one of the next targets. No, he wasn't in favor of the suits.



New member
Big Suer, worse than Big Brother!

Forget productivity gains, embrace perpetual inflation, live in fear--welcome to the Age of The Class Action Suit Lawyer!

David Park

New member
I want to sue the Internet. It's making me unhealthy by forcing me to sit at my desk reading TFL instead of going outside and exercising. (I'll sue the TV networks next.) The Internet also increases my risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks, because I keep reading about insane ideas like blaming food for being fat.

BTW, if obesity is not a genetically-linked disease (i.e., physical disability), does that mean it's a mental problem? Will that preclude obese adults from owning guns? Will the BATF add a new question to Form 4473, "Are you currently addicted to any foods or liquids?"


New member
where's the "class" in class action?

We used to think it was the Mafia that knew how to wring dollars from vice. Obviously, Civilization has advanced: it's not even necessary to get one's hands dirty any more.


New member
wait, there's hope, real hope at last!

I think we need to file a class action suit on behalf of gunoholics. Face it, we can't help ourselves, we are victims. We are addicted to buying guns and ammunition. We were programmed by gun manufacturers and misguided readings of the Constitution. We need help, serious help. Who would not sympathize with us? I suggest large cash awards for lost time on the job and emotional distress. We also need to be subsidized in our habits by Federal funds, preferably at least one gun a month with a generous stash of ammunition.

Calamity Jane

New member
Forget productivity gains, embrace perpetual inflation, live in fear--welcome to the Age of The Class Action Suit Lawyer!

The Horror! The Horror! :eek:

And let's not forget: suits against book publishers. Think of all the time bibliophiles spend reading when they could be excercising. Ah yes, let's pity the poor Victims of Verbiage and Compulsory Lethargy and compensate them (and their lawyers!) with dollarinos.

:barf: :rolleyes: :barf:

Is personal responsibility going the way of the dodo?

I like what Kaylee said about this being a dream of insanity. Sadly, it ain't no dream, it's the real thing.


New member
Since Jan 05 2001, I've lost 105 pounds. I eat steaks, eggs, cheese, some veggies, etc... I don't eat bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, carrots, and all the stuff that's supposed to be "good" for you. I'm off BP meds, and my cholesterol is down.