My girlfriend's 22/45 is filthy!


New member
My girlfriend has a Ruger 22/45 that her dad gave her because it was her favorite of his many .22s. He's never been very good about cleaning his guns regularly. I recently disassembled and cleaned her gun as best I could, (she says she's too cute to have to clean her own guns) and I got the upper clean enough but inside the frame and all the trigger mechanism, etc. It is utterly filthy. There's even what appears to be lint:eek: inside.

How in the hell do I go about cleaning all that crap out of there? My guns, and her BHP have never gotten anywhere near this dirty because I've clean them often. (gives me an excuse to play with the guns!)


New member
If no one else puts up a reply that is more usefull try sending a message to a member named solothurn. He's a friend of mine that also has a Ruger 22/45 and has had it for quite some time. He does take pretty good care of everything he's got so he might not have a lot of experience with some thing as bad as you've described, but he might have some useful ideas on how to get it cleaned up.

I hope that helps a little.


New member
Gun Scrubber

At least I think that's what it's called. I have used it for just such purposes. It's an aerosol high pressure very rapidly evaporating solvent. If that doesn't work you may have to strip it down or have someone else do it.

"She says she's too cute to have clean her own guns"

That might be a red flag bro. I'd keep her as a girlfriend otherwise you might be cleaning your house too!!!!


New member
Make sure it's the version of Gunscrubber that is safe for plastics.


Otherwise, if you don't have that type of Gunscrubber, take the barrel/action off and squirt/pour in the grip/trigger area some Hoppe's No. 9 and shake it around a bit. Let it sit for a while, then wipe out what you can reach (particularly the magazine well) and using compressed air, blow out the rest.


New member
yeah gun scrubber works really good. it's kinda expensive though at like $6-$8 a can depending on where you get it. but it's worth it.


New member
gun scrubber is really good stuff. i bought my M4 this summer and it was sprayed with krylon. i used gun scrubber to remove the paint, worked great!


New member
FOR SURE, THE GUN SCRUBBER. The down side to gun scrubber is you run out real fast. Get the big can from brownells if you use it a lot but, you can actually get it cheaper per ounce at Wal-Mart.


New member
Go to an auto parts store and get some parts cleaner solution (the kind that goes in a parts washer). Make sure it's safe for plastics (most are these days). Then just drop the whole pistol in the solution and let it soak (swishing it around every now and then). After a good soaking then either blow dry with compressed air or allow to drip dry. Spray a little lube and you should be good to go.


New member
Oh for crying out loud, put some OIL on it!!!! Good oil, and plenty of it, Then shoot it, and oil it and shoot it, and oil it and shoot it. There is NOTHING even remotely abrasive in the firing residue, and oil will keep it soft. Oil will also suspend dust or anything else that might be a problem IF you have enough oil on the gun. Soft fouling will move from places where it should not be to places where it won't be a problem, and this will happen for tens of thousands of rounds. The gun will be NO worse for wear when compared to cleaning it each time out, and it will likely be in better condition.

Clean it once a year or every 10K rounds whether it needs it or not, Even if you don't believe me this is the best path both for you and the gun.


New member
If worst comes to worst, take it to a smithy who has an ultrasonic cleaner. He'll take off the grips and have it like new in 1/2hr. My brother's police dept. has one, and with the right solvent, it will be like the day it was made.

Now, as for the GF who is too cute to clean it, big red flag. Might want to look around for a new GF.


New member
Well, you could post her picture and we could help you decide if she is too cute to clean her own guns. :p


New member
I would clean it with something. Otherwise, if and when something does break in the trigger mechanisim, you may have to take it to a gunsmith. If it hasn't been cleaned since the day it was bought, and it's had 10,000 rounds put through it, I can already tell you what the smithy will say, say with a stare, or say with and extra $20 labor fee (cleaning). His message will be "Holy S%*t, what a mess, how in the h@^l does this %*^!@#$ thing work at all?Do you even like the friggin thing". Especially if you take it to a very ornry/perfectionist type gunsmith. Which there is vast majority that are. The ultra sonic cleaning is great too but, you might find it hard to find somebody who has one depending on where you are. Gunscrubber, Q-Tips, and pipe cleaners work well.
P.S. My wife wouldn't clean her guns eiter when we first started dating. Then, I told her she could either learn or stop shooting. She learned.


New member
As luck would have it, I'm an optician and have access to an ultrasonic cleaner and use it on a near-daily basis. I think I'm going to try HSMITH's oil suggestion first, just because I'm lazy. If I continue to have problems, then I'll get to cleaning. Not that it has many more problems than any other rimfire auto, mostly it just bugs me to look at all that filth!

BTW, I don't mind cleaning my girl's guns, I like to do it and she only has 2 for me to clean. Her BHP's nicer than anything I own anyway, gives me an excuse to play with it. Hmmm...playing with my girl's BHPs and her filthy, filthy, 22/45...