My girl is getting better...


Staff In Memoriam
Shot from 35 yards or so.... Now to get her hunting deer too...

Reckon that ear notch is a previous close call with her or I?

entrance side...


The Exit...
Reckon that ear notch is a previous close call with her or I?


Staff In Memoriam
The only "Jelly Beans" are brown and all over the ground...:D
That was shot with the Savage bolt action .22 with scope...


New member
HOGDOGS, Thanks for sharing with us. My daughter just turned 10 and I got her first shotgun a few weeks ago and she cant wait till she can go hunting with me and her brother. I showed her this thread and she said cool rabbit and she cant wait till she gets one also.:D Im one of the proud fathers that takes their daughters hunting and thanks again for sharing. Now my daughter is saying she cant wait till hunting season so she can get a


Staff In Memoriam
Well get her all set for fall... I can't stress enuff the importance of learning exactly how much "bead" to use for each increment of range and than the lead ahead is tougher to teach but maybe a few weekends of sporting clays will help. I have never been to a clays outfit to shoot as I learned from real young with BB guns and .410...
Good luck with the girl... Mine won't shoot a shotgun due to noise and recoil... just rimfire for her so far but we gonna work on that.


New member
A 16 year old will need a lot of encouragement and praise to get to the point where they are confident cooking wild game...and some really good recipes. Here is one (link) similar to the one my grandmother used, though I'd probably substitute Rosemary and a pinch of Cilantro for the Sage.