My GF cracks me up.

chris in va

New member
She carried my K9 tonight on our way out to dinner, and we started talking about what to tell people if they see a bulge on their side.

I said, "It's my PDA...(Personal Defense Assistant)".

To which she said, "This? It's my ShellPhone".


New member
Chris, . . . trade it for a snubby .357, . . . she can then carry it in a small camera case with Canon on the front:D

May God bless,


New member
""Snap out of it... <sigh> ""

See scene from the movie Airplane where a long line of people are trying to bring a passenger to their senses.


New member
Cant really say I concur with the idea of holstering chihuahuas. Never tried cleaning doggy poop out of my leather, but it can't be much fun.

Thinking on chihuahuas- I guess it's well that no manufacturer has yet to name a firearm after the breed. "New for 2011! The Raging Chihuahua. Loud, Obnoxious, Useless, Not Overly Effective... But Not Hard to Carry Around! Buy Yours Today!"


New member
Be careful with letting her carry your K9. I lost mine to my girlfriend and ended up painting it just for her. :rolleyes: STILL haven't got it back together yet either as I'm waiting on replacement cocking ram spring that I seem to of lost. :eek:
