my first "turkey shoot"


Staff In Memoriam
I didn't win a bird... But me and my 18 inch 20 gauge did OKAY!
I only put a dozen pellets on paper at 90 feet but on each I was 1/4 inch from the "X". I borrowed a long gun for my 3rd shot and it had more like 2 dozen pellets but none closer than the 1/4 inch... Guys were ribbing me asking if i got my "little gun" at Toys R Us...:D I just said... "You oughta ask that when buck is headed yer way..." next week I think I will use Juniors NEF single....


New member
Last turkey shot for me was several years ago. After I won a turkey they wouldn't let me shoot my Mossberg 12 gauge magnum with 36" barrel anymore.


New member
They havin one a them this weekend at the range I take an ederly man to when he wants to shoot.... I was thinkin about goin .... tho I dont never shoot my 12gauge.. .and that man says they wont let me shoot with my new redhawk .44.... :confused:guess Ill just stay home.... Nice shootin Hog.


New member
My dad used to go all the time. He won more than his share of turkeys, hams and bacon slabs. I've still got his "turkey shoot gun" a Sears, 12 pump, 30" full choke.

Back when I was just a little kid, he went to one and won a live turkey. This was about two weeks or so before Thanksgiving. I can still see him leading that turkey around by a string around his neck, like you would a dog on a leash.

He had just finished the indoor plumbing in the house, so he locked the turkey up in the old outhouse. We kids fed him every day and made a pet out of him. A day or so before Thanksgiving, Daddy killed and cleaned the turkey, and Mama cooked it.

And nobody would eat it. :D

My mother told him, "Don't you EVER bring another live anything into this house."

He raised hogs later on. We kids were scared to death of them. We ENJOYED eating them, I tell you. :D:D


New member
Jack Belk told the story of how he used mechanical rollers to increase the choke of a barrel.
He modified the look of the shotgun every year to win the turkey, until they got wise to him.

Lee Lapin

New member
Turkey shoots around here are social events as well as fundraisers. The different volunteer fire departments have them on different Friday nights so everyone gets a chance at the crowd without competing for shooters. It's fun... glad you enjoyed it, Brent.



New member
But as long as you had a good time - I know you don't really care if you won a bird or not .....

hang in there... but 12 - 24 pellets isn't really enough at 30 yards ( you need to tighten up that load a little ( prevent so many flyers out of your pattern ..).

Alan Duke

New member
Never been to one, there a certain ammo you have to use? (00Bk, birdsot, slugs). Just wondering......sounds like fun. Espesially for a fund raiser.


Staff In Memoriam
The way our turkey shoot works where I went was you are buying a shell for 3 dollars. You cannot supply your ammo to keep it fair. you are shooting at a 6 inch square paper with an "X" drawn on with a pen. Closest pellet to center wins. Ties are handled with a shoot off. winner gets a "turkey ticket" as they do this every weekend for a while and then when they finish up, they buy all the turkeys at once and you go pick it up.

It is just a good ol' boy's social night.... And some gals too.
The "Amvets" club also holds shoots but I rather not hang out at a full liquor bar to shoot.


New member
Many is the turkey and hams that my old SKB 900 with the Deluxe Polychoke has fetched home. It is pertnear 40 years old but that sucker brings home the meat. The shoot furnishes the loads at $3 a shot.