My first time shooting IDPA!

Cavè Canem

New member
I finally had the chance to experience IDPA yesterday and I must say that it is wonderful.

A local range has a Defensive pistol competition ever two weeks I was finally able to get off work to go shoot.

This by far the most fun I have ever had shooting my handgun. The range officers were excellent. Very friendly and helpful, plus they offer all sorts of tips and tricks.

If anyone ever gets the opportunity to do this I would highly encourage it. My wife wants to go shoot now too so its off the the store to find her a pistol. (She likes the Walther P99)


New member
What did you shoot with?

Tell us more. I'm considering getting into IDPA and am curious as to what constitutes a good IDPA pistol for a minimum outlay of $$$.


New member
Six months from now you will be amazed how much you have improved both your gun handling and accuracy. Competition is definitely the best way to improve your skills. If you do this in conjunction with some shooting drills as practice you will really be amazed. Good to see more people getting into it. Have fun!! I know you will.


New member
Yup, did the same thing last month when I shot my 1st match. Good bunch of people & LOADS 'O FUN!

22lovr - use what you already have. Shoot a match or two and go from there. Go watch a match 1st tho, just to get your feet wet and get your head into what you'll be doing, then when you do compete, it won't be so 'new' to you. Also, go to have fun! When I went to my 1st match to watch, I talked to a few of the competitors and felt instantly welcome & glad I was there.

Cavè Canem

New member
Not sure how I did. The range officers said I did well for my first time shooting tactical stuff. My time was 81.75 on Wednesday and 83 and 84 Thursday. I picked up a 3 second penalty on the 84 because i ejected my mag before I was behind cover.

The course was pretty cool I guess but seeing as how this is the first time ive ever shot IDPA, I have nothing to compare too.

3 Stationary Targets of various hights. First 4 stages are timed with stage 5 being 15 seconds long.

10 ring and Head shots are 0 deducted points, 5 ring is 1 point, outside that is 5 points. Each point is .5 seconds added to stage time. ie. 5 points is 2.5 seconds added to your stage time.

Stage 1.
Start behind barrels at 15 yds. Horn blows, draw and shoot 2 shots to each target from the strong side of the barrel. (Im right handed so that is the right side of the barrels for me) Tactical (retention) reload and shoot 2 more shots to each target from weak side of barrels. Must maintain cover or you will be penalized. The only thing that should be showing is your gun, hands and eye. :p

Stage 2.
Start behind 15 yd barrels, horn blows, draw and advance to the 7 yd barrels while dbl tapping each tgt. Must be moving for shots to count otherwise you pick up a penalty. When you reach the 7 yd barrel, drop to one knee for cover and reload. Dbl tap each target again.

Stage 3.
Start at 7 yd barrel, horn blows, draw and while walking backwards to the 15 yd barrels, dbl tap each target. Take cover behind 15 yd barrel and do a tactical reload. Then dbl tap each target again from the weak side of the barrels.

Stage 4.
Start at 7 yd barrel. Strong hand only, horn blows, head shot to each target in tactical order. Which means that you have to shoot all the targets once before you can shoot them for the second time. Sorta confusing. Clock stops, you reload and weak hand only get into a low ready. Horn blows and you must shoot each target in the body in tactical sequence.

Stage 5.
Stand at 10 yard line. 15 second time limit. Horn blows, draw and shoot a dbl tap to each tgt's head, then dbl tap to each tgt's body. Any order and reload any way you want too.

Total up your time per stage and add in any extra points from misses and you have your final score.

I shot it again tonight and did about the same.

Wow, IDPA has got to be one of the greatest things ive done with my pistol since ive owned it.

I used a 3rd Generation G23 with PMC ammo. Not sure of grain size but its their basic red boxed stuff. 165gr? Stock Glock, standard non adjustable sights and nothing done to my Glock except a 3.5lbs connector.

Fobus paddle holster and a Fobus single Mag holder.

I think next time ill shoot it with my G30 and see how I do.
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New member
Sounds like super-awesome fun. I'd like to try it out.

Is the G30 what you normally carry?

What were the others shooting?

Thanks for posting the stages, gave me a good idea what it was like.

What did you find gave you the most trouble?

lotsa questions, thanks :D

Cavè Canem

New member
I either carry my G30 or my G23. Lately its been the G23 though b/c its slimmer and the weather requires a slimmer profile do to clothing restraints.

The hardest part for me was the walking and shooting. Its not to bad once you do it once or twice but can be hard to find a solid sight picture. Also shooting weak side barrel was a pain. You have to maintain cover and the only thing that can be showing is your gun, hands and part of your head. You have to stand at an off balance sort of angle to be able to engage the far side target so it can be a little diffucult. I almost took a penalty for that too since my leg was out from behind cover a little.

A large variety of pistols were being shot. Beretta's, lots of Glocks, some Sig's, H&K's, a couple smiths :barf: , colts and I think one para ordnance. Most calibers were, 9mm, .40S&W, and 45ACP. I dont recall any other calibers being shot. I think .40 was the most popular.

It was a lot of fun and it let me see where I stand as far as being able to do some tactical stuff.


New member
Still another question:

Does your firearm have to be holstered on the belt or is pocket-holster draw acceptable? I would assume an external paddle holster or IWB is mandatory (?)

Cavè Canem

New member
At this range it has to be IWB or hip holster. If its to far back like the 4 O'clock, you cant use it b/c of drawing and safety reasons.

I carry in my Fobus strong side hip anyway or strong side IWB so I didn't have a problem. They did have a guy that carried at the 4 O'clock IWB and they made him move it forward to the 3 O'clock for the match.

I was going to ask about SOB but I dont think that would be allowed. This range is very safety concious


New member
I've shoot IDPA once.
It was a lot of fun.

;) Main thing I came away with was "A slow hit is much better than a fast miss."

Texas Bob

New member
Keep shooting! I have access to an indoor range that hosts an idpa style match on a weekly basis. I shoot a senerio 45-48 weeks a year and have been doing so for six years. No, I.m not a top-gun, I will never beat, time wise, people half my age with better eyesight. However, what interests me most is the ingrained use of cover and missing non-threat targets while hitting threat targets. If you ccw on a full time basis idpa will build your skill level of confidence through repetition with what you carry on the street. Short of an actual gunfight, I know of no other safe way to see if what chosen for ccw will actually work for you. Many of us will let a,new to the sport shooter,try our favorite firearm to see if it,s right for them before they go out and buy one. I compete with HK P7-M13, however I routinely carry ccw a P7-M8, same pistol only slimmer.

Cavè Canem

New member
I wish the one around here offered IDPA more then two times a month but you take what you can get!

Im greatful that they offer it at all.


New member
braindead0 posted the IDPA web site.
You should go to the site, you can click on your state and they list the clubs that have IDPA shoots.

Good News,you may be able to shoot every weekend.
Bad News, you may have to drive two or three hours.

Navy joe

New member
:rolleyes: We have a Competition Forum, it would be a nice place if the majority of us would

b) Talk about it in the competition Forum!.

Other than that, sounds like you were safe and had fun, so good job.