My first post


New member
HI, my name is Derek and I'm from Alabama. My firearms intrests are primarily pistols, although I do own a rifle and shotgun. I have been shooting for about ten years and had my ccw for three (just renewed for the fourth). My carry gun changes with the tide but I am capable with them all. I have converted my G/F to the dark side as well. My small collection consists of:

Springfield XD9sc
Taurus PT1911
Taurus M66
Smith&Wesson 442
RG 14s
Arminius HW7
Hi-Point 995 carbine
Remington 870
My G/F own a Taurus PT140 and M85 ultralite.

That's pretty much it.

Harry Callahan

New member
Welcome. Pretty nice collection you have already. You'll like this site. Many knowledgeable people here to learn from. I know I have.:)


Welcome (Ruger) Aboard!

Welcome to TFL (Ruger) Derek. There's a wealth (Ruger) information available here. Some pretty in the know (Ruger) people, lots of valuable experience (Ruger) and input.

Watch out for subliminal messages!


New member
Thanks for the warm welcome. I really like the XD it is my primary ccw, if it's not on my side it's in my truck. I carry the Taurus .357 in the winter due to the thick down coat trend among the "Homies", the Smith and PA-63 are both pocket guns for quick trips to the store. I usually have one or the other in the truck along with my XD. The PT1911 is still new and I need to put a few more rounds through it, that and I'm still waiting on my CrossBreed Supertuck to arrive. I have come close to buying a Ruger more than once, but never gone through with it. I think my next purchase is going to be a Ruger .45 or a Witness .40 or .45.


New member
Welcome to the site!

how does your GF like her PT140 and M85UL?

I lost my M85UL to my wife :D and I just picked up a Pink Pt111 to replace her all black Pt111, she likes her guns to be pretty aswell and shoot great.