My finished 460V...


New member
What do you think?




New member
I have a XVR and I wish to get a mount and scope for it. What type of scope is that and do you like it? How does the rig shoot for you?


New member
It is an Aimpoint CompML3 with a Warn weaver mount for the X-Frame. The gun shoots great. I have put about 300rds through it, half of those my reloads. Amazing how accurate the big revolvers are. But I have not shot it with the sight yet. I have been doing lots of dry fire to get used to it, and I love being able to shoot with both eyes open. I know I will really like the sight once I put it to the test.

I plan to take my first deer with a handgun this October with it. :)


New member
For sure on the blast. I know the sight can take the recoil, but the flash is what worries me.

A member on another forum suggested I move the sight forward so the rear is in line with the iron sight. I think this will be the best position for it. The way its setup now, the open lens will take most of the flash. If I move it forward the rings and center of the sight will take the flash.

What do you all think?


New member
You know why they make them bear guns with such short barrels?

so when the bear is chewing on your leg you can get the whole gun in your mouth.

it was funny when i heard it. but i dont think it lends too well to print .


New member
LOL thats great and works great in print. My favorite is "best bear gun is a .22 deringer, when a bear charges, you shoot your bud in the leg and run" :eek: