My "Evil" black Revolver!


New member
Finished modifying it last week. I love it!

Started as this:

Now it looks like this:


hardest part was waiting for the barrel to get made!


New member
I dont know if it's evil or not but it sure is bad. I like it and please follow up with a range report.


New member
im glad u all like it. i was hoping it actually liked it after i findished assembling it. I needed it in the collection just on looks alone. this barrel has a different twist then the stock one which was quite accurate so im hoping this one will be just as good. its definately become my favorite 357. only thing i wish was better was the da trigger pull its not great. my gp100s are better and its not even close to a s&w. =( the "evil" was knock at the AR black rifle thing since now its all black.


New member
Call me old fashioned, traditionalist, or a throwback, but i think I like the first revolver pictured better. The bottom one is ok, but it looks like its one flashlight and bayonet short of being a tacti-cool revolver. I also don't care for the look of the good year all-weather radials on good revolvers.

It still a great gun either way though. I shot my friends DW 15 and it was accurate. They are nice guns. I actually want one for my collection.


New member
Your just jealous you old fashioned traditionalist! C'mon the Dan Wesson PPC?! I can't fit the rib on top and I prefer the presentation grips to the "gripper" ones. I do prefer the factory wood grips but after they got a nice dent I decided I wanted these, but give me 5 min and I can have it right back to that original 8" configuration! this gun is genius.

You know its a shame I don't know anyone who has a new 6" barrel and some factory Dan Wesson grips...
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New member
well i took her to the range! it definately turned heads.i didnt do any real 'testing' but i sent maybe 24 rounds of 158grn .357s down range. i didnt bring any .38s because i was running low and didnt wanna shoot up to many. honestly the magnums were very easy to shoot. they don't give me trouble normally but with so much weight up front it was more right to left alignmment then up and down after a shot. it was hitting about 8" lower then when the 8" barrel is installed. groups were good @ 25 yards especially since i wasnt doing so hot. out of practice i suppose.


New member
Buckeye's or mine?

Mine is a Model 15 Dan Wesson. I installed the new 6" barrel and shroud and put on some presentation grips.

I honestly haven't weighed it yet. I'll go get the bathroom scale.

Grant D

New member
I like it! that's one serious looking revolver.
In all my years of shooting,I don't think I've seen one Dan Wesson.
Maybe it will be my next quest.


New member
yes the original barrel is an 8" and the new one is a 6" does it make it easier to shoot? That's subjective. 8" is a bit long for my tastes. I prefer 6 or 5" barrels on my gun. The weight makes recoil very mild.


New member
Thanks for the info. Again, I personally love that 'python' look and think that's a great direction to go with for that revolver.... and if it makes a better shooter then that's even better!


New member
actually if you want a 'python' look I'd stick with a factory 6" heavy barrel. It has the vent rib like a python and is quite attractive. this shroud makes even a python barrel look small. I'll try and rustle up a GP100 for a size comparison