My Editorial in the USA Today - Nov. 14th

As it appeared:
"Congratulations to the gun-control groups and politicians for seizing the recent Washington, DC-area tragedy to further their agenda. Certainly, we're all equally upset by the Beltway shootings and other criminal behavior.
But predatory criminals, by virtue of their job, are the greatest advocates for gun control. A free society, by definition, should not require its citizens to ask for permission to defend themselves.
Gun control does not work, never has and never will. The truth is that decreasing gun ownership has a direct correlation to a rise in crime.
The gun-ban crowd has created the black-market industry that is, in large part, responsible for the gun violence that we are all concerned about.
The rationale for disarming responsible, law-abiding citizens in the post-9/11 era is deceitful, to say the least, and may lead us to becoming a nation of defenseless victims."



New member
Cory for Governor!

I don't know Cory. First The Courier Post and now USA Today? Are you going to run for office or what? Thanks for staying in NJ for now. One of many allies in the peoples republic.;)

Armando B

New member
Right on...fellow NJer! :D

BTW, did you get this?

On Monday, November 18, the State Assembly will vote on legislation being disguised as a “child-proof” handgun bill. A.700, sponsored by Assemblywoman Loretta Wienberg, requires that only “smart” handguns can be sold in New Jersey once the technology is developed. This policy would remain even if “smart guns” were later pulled off the market as unsafe, or for any other reason.

All parties to this debate are aware so-called smart” or “personalized handgun technology does not actually exist. Amazingly, police are exempt from these mandates because of documented concerns about reliability and safety. If “smart” gun technology is so smart, why would law enforcement, the one occupation in which employees carry guns regularly, be exempt from using it?

NRA-ILA and the Association of NJ Rifle and Pistol Clubs urge you to call your two Assembly Members at (800) 792-8630 and ask them to oppose A.700. If you are unsure which Assembly member represents you, go to and use the "Write Your Representatives" feature. Also we encourage you to join your NRA-ILA State Lobbyist at the capitol on Monday and show your opposition to A.700.
Thank you all and Ray: Looks like we're staying in New Jersey. We really do enjoy it here. New Jersey's got so much potential and, based on the last elections, over 40% of the people are also our allies. Maybe in time we'll get up to 51% or better.
As far as a run at office - If those of my community would like an outstanding (and proven) leader who makes every single decision based on what's the right thing to do then there's potential. Someone who you'd share a foxhole with without flinching then I'd be your man.
I'm a strapping 6'2" former Marine which may play in favor of those who value integrity.
In closing, it's rather enjoyable going against the grain, especially in this case where I'm 100% correct. We are definitely not alone in New Jersey. Act before it's too late like it was for my ancestors in pre-WWII Germany who waited until clawing at the concrete walls of the gas chambers.
Hope that wasn't too harsh, but history can repeat itself. What was that "Never Again" thing?