My deal I just made!


New member
I had some old lead, bout a coffee can total full if it was melted down.

Couple ladels and some casting dies for sinkers and a few hundred 30-30 brass.

Traded for a couple boxes of 9mm....

Posted on our gun club forum and it was gone quick.

Im happy cause I dont reload and it pretty much had no value to me.

Just thought Id share my excitement with people who will understand!
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Glad your Happy, I'm Happy Too. :)



New member
I love to see a deal like this. You've got two gun guys, one has something with a value, but he hasn't got much use in it. The other finds value in it, so he trades something of value that he has for it.

Nobody spends a dime. Not one red cent lost to taxes. No money going to a third party retailer. Nothing lost to the USPS or a private carrier.

Two guys happy. The other guy probably found something that he can really use and very likely gave you some ammo that he had for a bit that he didn't pay current ammo market prices for.

I can understand why you are happy. :D


New member
Yea, yesterday was a good ammo day for me....on top of that when I went to walmart yesterday they happened to be opening up the boxes of ammo in the gun dept so i bought 200 rds of blazer 9mm for like $9/box. Time to order my new gun!