My Day at the range (8/9/08)


New member
A buddy of mine invited me to his member only club out here in the valley on saturday. Up until then, i have only shot in the desert with a maximum target distance of 75 yards. I was quite impressed with the performance of all 3 of my rifles. It was windy...probably around 10-15 mph gusts and about 105 degrees.

with my friends spotting me, my M91/30 was spot on at 200yds, 300yds and 600yds yards. took a few shots, but nailed the gong at 870 yards (iron sights). My my amazement and my friends, my ROMAK (scoped) nailed the gongs at 200yds, 300yds and after some persuasion and 15 shots in the wind, i nailed the gong at 600 yards. My .22 was effective at 75 yards.

We also put lead down range with his A10 at 870 yards. This was my first time shooting at such long ranges. :cool:


No mirage? I must say, an 870 yard shot in 105 degree weather with 15mph gusts is quite impressive.

What kind of marksmanship training have you had? And how big across was the 870yrd gong and what color was it?


New member was much to my amazement. it was not on the first shot....i must be gone through 10 rounds of 54r before nailing it. gong was about the typical body mass...2'x6' perhaps.

no real training, just having fun.