My Dad's been holding out on me....

Yesterday, my Dad was rearranging some things in his garage, when he told me he wanted to show me something. He handed me a plastic bag. I looked inside, and I saw a brown paper bag. I opened the brown paper bag, and I saw a blue nylon stuff sack wrapped around something. When I unwrapped the sack, I found myself looking at a stainless steel .357 Ruger Blackhawk with a 6-inch barrel. Boy was I surprised! It has walnut grips - I believe they are stock- they have a little gold rectangular inlay on both sides near the top of the grip. I asked him where he had been keeping it. He said , in the garage, up in the rafters! I said, you're not keeping it there anymore. It was up there for 18 years and I knew nothing about it. Upon examining it, I found it was in great condition except for a tiny bit of rust on both sights - the only parts of the gun that are blued instead of stainless. A little powder solvent took that right off. After cleaning and oiling it, I put it in a proper case. I wonder If I can get him to give it to me. Maybe I should beg and plead. He might want to sell it instead. Anyone have any idea how much it might be worth? If I have too, I'll buy it off him.