My current project


New member
Here it is so far, I'm proud to say I've done all the work myself (and as a mere 27 year old infantryman, I'm cool with it). The bottom is a little messy around the newly installed trigger guard, as it turns out Badger Ordnance and H&S precision don't quite go together, but it works, and I can make it pretty with JB weld and Duracoat.

It started life as a Remington 700 SPS Varmint in .243, then got a Jewell trigger, H&S stock that blends in perfectly with my carpet, and the following from Badger: Oversized bolt knob (Very stressful doing myself) Badger picatinny base, and Badger M-5 Detachable Magazine setup (all sorts of stressful to install in that stock). I learned quite a bit doing everything. Lessons so far: I do not know better than the manufacturer, and now I really know this. Eye protection belongs on your eyes, not on top of your head when you are cutting metal, Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton can attest to this (no vision loss, but that chunk took some effort to get out). Duracoat kicks ass. JB weld is awesome, if you get a 400 dollar piece of bottom metal and a 500 dollar stock, make sure they should go together.

All thats left is a bedding job, dura-coating the bottom metal, and getting her some glasses.



New member
Just in case you ask, I didn't get the stock based on the color of my carpet, but in the event that I have to keep concealed in my own apartment, they will only see the barrel.