My conversation with Wayne LaPierre at the CCW rally on Long Island


New member
I attended the Sportsmen’s’ Association for Firearm Education (SAFE) CCW meeting on Long Island over the weekend. This is the second time I have attended and turn out looked impressive to me. We filled an entire double sized ballroom at the Sheraton in Smithtown New York with every seat taken and plenty of people standing in the back. The speaker who received the most attention was Wayne LaPierre, Executive VP of the NRA. Mr. LaPierre was there early to mingle and was very open in answering questions from whoever cared to ask. I had met him there last year and had a specific question in mind this year.

In my opinion the Supreme Court is as conservative as it is going to get. The only way a liberal justice is going to leave before Bush is feet first and it seems very possible that the next administration will be Democrat, if not the Congress or Senate. My question was:

“If this is as good as it gets when do we push a true 2A case, like the Morton Grove IL handgun ban, to the SCOTUS?”

His reply was that they were still not confident of the ruling we would get. I am not so certain but he did give me the name of somebody to follow up with on the issue and stated it was a point of internal debate at present. What they feel far more confident is bringing their First Amendment case to the SCOTUS again with regards to Campaign Finance Reform.

The highlight of the meeting was Mr. Pierre's speach and the movies shown by Mr. LaPierre and a lady who made the movies for the NRA. For those who have not had the pleasure try to find a way to hear Mr. LaPierre speak in person, it is worth it. The movies focused on secretly taped footage of Handgun Control’s gala at the French Embassy in Washington, complete with Mike Wallace expressing his allegiance with that group and Charleston Heston as well as plenty of Katrina footage. There were movies of people who had their weapons forcibly removed by the police in LA as well as plenty of people who used weapons to defend their homes. Several people who were ambivalent about the 2A were true supporters after their experiences. What were truly troubling were the many people who went to the trailers in LA where the confiscated guns were being held. Even with serial numbers it is only a very small minority of people who find guns that were taken from their homes and vehicles. Many of these people were robbed at gunpoint by the authorities, others had their houses broken into and ransacked in a search for guns BY THE POLICE.

What was the most shocking was that only a minority of 2A people in the room had seen any of this footage. We all need to spread the word about Katrina to every “sportsman” we know who doesn’t concern themselves with the 2A fight.

There were several other speakers and a fund raiser raffle. I was somewhat disappointed that there was really no emphasis on CCW in NY and there was an attitude of doom in that we all know the next Governor and Attorney General are going to come straight from the Democratic machine. Overall I would go again and I will be contacting the gentleman Mr. LaPierre suggested I speak with.


Any government that would attempt to disarm its people is despotic; and any people that would submit to it deserve to be slaves!
- Stephen F. Austin, 1835.

I personally, hate all these important issues being treated as if they were games. And I hate good men like Mr. Pierre continuing to fool themselves into believing that Washington DC and the Federal...pardon me....National Government controlled by either democrats or neo-cons will make any serious effort to preserve our God given liberties.

That lies with ourselves alone. By that I don't mean boarding up your house and family and shooting every police car that drives by while "chawing" on tobacco. I mean turning to the more local level. Working as a community. The church, the county, the city the state. Where your roots are, where there are people who are at home and not only understand but share in the local problems.

Part of the problem of doing this is that we have so many local people who are just as corrupt as Washington. (Ray Nagin, et al) There are so many incompetent fatted cattle out there that have the so-called "right" to vote that just want to have grass today that they don't care about these things. They don't care what's going on as long as they "got" their new wide screen TV and BMW or Winnebago or lakehouse.


New member
I personally, hate all these important issues being treated as if they were games. And I hate good men like Mr. Pierre continuing to fool themselves into believing that Washington DC and the Federal...pardon me....National Government controlled by either democrats or neo-cons will make any serious effort to preserve our God given liberties.

Do not for one minute think that important isues do not also need national attention. Last year saw the passage of an law protecting gun manufacturers from baseless lawsuits. That was a VERY important piece of Federal legislation which did stop a flank attack on the 2A. If no gun makers are in business it makes it hard to exercise the 2A for long. Now there is a bill to be signed this week keeping the Federal gov't from confiscating lawful arms during a disaster.

Yes, more needs to be done locally and we cannot ignore the local side of things. We must remember though that the attacks against the 2A come from both Federal and Local.

Politicians will do what they feel they need to to to gain or retain power. The purpose of large groups like the NRA is to show a block of votores who will stand together on the 2A issue.


LOL!! Musketeer, you have to understand how stunned I am to read your account:

Not only am I from Long Island, but Smithtown! I was living right there in Smithtown when I bought my first firearm, in fact, and when I got my pistol license!

I joined the NRA while living in Smithtown. I wrote letters to the paper (Newsday), which were published, while living in Smithtown.

I remember when, in 1995 (I think) a county legislator applied for a pistol permit, jumped through all the Suffolk County hoops to get it, and then was so dismayed that it did not allow him the right to concealed carry that he went and wrote/passed a county law that dictated that the police commissioner issue pistol licenses that were in keeping with the state law (which allows CCW). And then the commissioner flouted the law, stating as much that he was not going to abide by it -- was not going to issue concealed carry permits. And where it went from there, I don't know. My suspicion is that the matter was dropped. (Possibly, the legislator was told on the sly that he would not be hassled if found to be CCWing, but that they were not willing to open up that right to the rabble. I dunno. But it would not suprise me if they handed him that kind of hush-up deal to just let the subject drop.)

So, now I discover that Musketeer is up in my old neck of the woods! Fight the good fight, man! :)



New member
One of the things I miss since I escaped from Long Island is John Cushman's annual CCW Conference. I met John Lott one year and have his autographed book.

Was that Afro-american Preacher there. I remember his story about an attempt by two "Misguided young men" to mug him. He "Removed his glock and convinced them of the error of their ways". :p


New member
Yep, the preacher was there to do the invocation. He realted how he had reached up to his medicine cabinet only to have Mrs. Glock fall out of his waist band into the toilet resulting in a full strip and clean.

Since De-Santis was there I had though about suggesting he get a holster but didn't bother. Glocks in particular are not good Mexican carry pieces...


That's true. I would be very reluctant to ever carry a chambered GLOCK -- or any other handgun with no manual safety, for that matter -- in the waistband without a holster protecting the trigger. :eek:

That's scary. And even with a manual safety, I'd be worried about it getting clicked off...



New member
I've got a Sig Sauer P226 on my hip right now with an empty chamber
Certainly better than in the toilet bowl but I would advise chamberring a round if you have a quality holster. That though is an entirely separate thread.