My article, "Instagram star '@Gun_Collector' talks about guns, photography & the medi


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Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article. I interviewed the Florida gun owner recently featured on Yahoo News for gainign over 40,000 subscribers on Instagram for his gun photography.

The Instagram star '@Gun_Collector' talks about guns, photography, and the media

"A Florida gun collector and photographer recently in the news for sharing photos of his gun collection online talks about guns, photography, and his sudden fame with the Michigan Firearms Examiner.

Chris, known as “@Gun_Collector” on the photo-sharing site Instagram, was featured in a Yahoo News story on Tuesday, May 7, about how sharing photos of his 115 gun collection online has gained him 40,000 plus followers. The UK based Daily Mail then amplified the signal by running their own, more sensationalized, version of the story.

“Why is it news worthy for someone to share pictures of things they are legally allowed to purchase, own and use?” he said in an exclusive interview with the Michigan Firearms Examiner. "