My AR 15 lives!

Dakota Law Dog

New member
Well, I know y'all (southern word meaning "y'all") have been dying to find out what happened with my AR, well, it was the disconnect!

Comparing the old with the new, funny it didn't go full auto when I racked the bolt!

Also replaced hammer, trigger, springs besides disconnect.
Congratulations - its nice to get them working right again.

I know I disassembled my M1 even more thoroughly than I had intended last night and was extremely pleased with myself to even get it put back together. Naturally I was ecstatic when I later got it put back together the right way so that it would function.

Did you have any trouble with replacing the Colt parts? I haven't owned one myself so I was curious as to how much of a pain the non-standard parts might be.


New member
Some Colt AR's have the standard fire control pins, and will take any standard AR part, both of my Green Label guns are that way. I've never owned a Colt with the big pins, so I don't know how many parts are unique...

Dakota Law Dog

New member
Mine took the small pins. I was concerned when I started that it would be a bear to reassemble, but it was simple! Jes' the way I like it...