My advice to reloader's concerning the primer "crisis"

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First off we've got to realize that we are doing this to ourselves. In the days after the election seemingly every reloader began a frenzied run on components as well as every non-reloader buying up ammo. I would never say this is unwarranted as we now have a socialist idiot running our country. We still live, although I'm not sure for how much longer, in a free market society so upon this ammo boom the makers started raising their prices and making money hand over fist. Now they can't keep up with demand. Those who were smart saw this coming and stocked up. Those who didn't are now left with a choice; be patient and order small amounts every now and then and pay market price, or pay super-inflated prices to those who have plenty and are wanting to make some money. I choose to be patient. There are people right now paying upwards of $70/ thousand primers. Add shipping and hazmat fees and you're looking at upwards of $100/ thousand. I just bought 2000 primers for $78 with shipping and hazmats from Wideners. The primers are out there but you have to be patient. Here's my advice to everyone looking for primers.

1. Don't pay inflated prices! If you do you, are only setting the market price higher and higher.

2. Be patient. There are primers out there, you just have to look harder.

3. Don't hoard. Buy what you need and let the rest of us have some. We're in this together and I like to think that as shooters we should take care of each other.

4. If you do have a large supply good for you but please don't try to make a quick buck at your brother's expense. The more you charge you are setting the market value and the higher the prices will be set in the future. You may have bought those primer for $25/1000 but you will be paying $50 when the market stabilizes.

5. Check everyday at your local gun shop and online. in the last few weeks I've seen primers at many websites at good prices.

The sooner we can stabilize the component market the better off we are. I look around and see signs this will happen soon. now I'm getting off my soap box and onto the reloading bench to turn out som .45acp rounds.


New member
I'm going to the local shops today. I'm hopeing to come up with some. Last time I was there the shelfs were bare. this place had tons of ammo and reloading supplies and it was all gone!


New member
Clayfish - Very good advice. I have been following it myself and hope others do as well.
good opine clayfish.
I'm hopeing the supply increases soon as I got caught short of sp primers (there's none available around here) so bought some sp mag to trade to .357 loaders for standard primers ( I managed to scrape up a trade of 400 same-o-same-o) helped some.


New member
45marlincarbine, just use the sp mags and reduce your loads by 10% starting. i used to do this when I loaded for .40.


New member
In my life I have noticed that folks that promote not hording, or supporting inflated prices are often some of the very ones hording and paying inflated prices. :rolleyes:


New member
Maybe, but it's not true in this case.

I have exactly 2000 Wolf LP and 200 CCI LR primers on hand but I'm finding more and more online.


New member
Good general advice. I agree that the problem lies within our own camp. Until reason and sanity returns we will all continue to lose out via shortages and higher prices. Thanks guys for literally shooting ourselves in the foot...this isn't Obama's fault its ours. With friends like these who needs enemies.



New member
I have to say that with the whole primer thing I've seen the good side of people come out.

So far I've had somebody
-Just flat out give me 100 Small pistol primers "to tide me over".
-Trade me my prepped brass for some of his primers.
-Sell me a box of "older" primers at the marked price even though the box next to it was almost twice the price.

I certainly don't have as many primers as I'd like right now but through the kindness of people I know I get to keep shooting :)

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
We already have a open thread about this exact problem. Comments should go there, else you can expect....

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