My A 400 wont shoot???


New member
Guys after deciding after 3 months of looking I got a A 400 Xplor Unico KO. The guns awsome to shoot but it just wont shoot staight at all. No matter what you do your 3 feet high. If you cheat up on it your high, get low on it your high, hold the beed low your high, hold the bead on your high, hold the bead high and well your high. Ive run a skid of ammo through it now just seeing what I need to do and im now beyond frustrated. Ive spend 1700 bucks on the gun and shot several hundred dollars of ammo and accomplished nothing over my old guns. Is there something Im missing or are the guns made this way. If its something they designed them to do, well its dumb


All that PM didn't work?

Have you checked the shims that come with it? There are shim for both RH and LH and to raise/lower the POI - perhaps they need to be swapped?

My wife's is dead on where she points it - in order to fit her, it then does not fit me - I have to "scrunch" up on it and really keep my head down or I see rib and shoot high


New member
I'm thinking of getting an A400. Are you saying there's a shim, even with the Kick Off system? Does it adjust the POI up and down?


New member
Ya know after everything I pm'ed you about thats one thing I didnt ask, exactly how do they work. I felt as though it fit well but if you give me a little inside as to how it works ill try it here and let you know


New member
oneounce how do you like it? I'm 5'9, 135 lbs. Pretty small framed. I went and held the 391 and a400. I really liked the way the a400 felt.


JM, my wife is about your height (and I won't say a word about a woman's weight on the internet, good or bad) she likes the way it came set up from a friend we bought it from. Personally, I think it is just a skosh too long, but she likes it and shoots well. She has only shot sporting about a dozen times and her best was a 65/100. I reload a 7/8oz load running about 1225-1250 give or take. I will say it even ran my 3/4oz reloads except when it got colder. That would be solved by a little more powder or a hotter primer

PA - there's a "technopolymer" (Beretta's word for wonder plastic) and a stainless steel one. The plastic goes in between the the stock and the receiver and the s.s. goes inside the stock. On page 33 of the manual it starts to explain how to change them and warns that they need to be synchronized - RH with RH, LH with LH. You can make changes for cast on or off and the amount of drop. Our gun came with two sets of shims/spacers



New member
The higher the number on the shim, the more drop at the heel. They should be an SX and DX as well. DX is cast off for righties and the SX is cast on for lefties. The shim needs need to match the plate in the stock.


New member
Thanks for the input. I think you had posted on my shotgunworld thread about how I should consider the xplor over the light, for duck and clays as well as dove and quail. So that's the route I've decided to go. I'll cough up the extra $$ for a little extra weight and capability.

I've been keeping an eye out for any negatives about the a400. so far there's a lot more good than bad!


New member
What distance are you checking your POI?
Do you see alot of rib when you have it mounted?
The 65 might help some but 3 feet is WAY high.
Remenber your eye is the back sight , so for poi to go down your eye must go down.


New member
Well it was 3 ft up and after putting the 65 in now its 1 foot up and out of adjustment. It feels great and I can get as low as possible and it still aint on, and I even shoot off the top of the bead rather than covering


New member
Can you mix shims together from front and back to make a bigger difference. From the case it had the 60 DX on the front and back and shot way high 2.5-3ft every time, tried the 50 DX on both and made it much worse, went to the 65 DX and it helped bring it down to 1.5-2ft high everytime and the gun felt great. I could pull up with my eyes shot and everything lined up perfect. But you lay the bead on the X at 30 yards and its 1.5ft high. I just dont get it, Ive tried Winchester 9 shot and 7.5 shot, Federal 7.5 shot, Federal 6 shot, Remington 8 shot and its all the same. Then went on and tried to change form and though it felt way wrong it was still high no matter what. Should I call Beretta or is there still something Im missing


But you lay the bead on the X at 30 yards and its 1.5ft high.

Forgive me if I confuse things, PA, but is the bead supposed to be "on" the POA or should the target's 6 o'clock resting on top of the bead?


Make sure the shims match as per the instruction manual; the other suggestion is to have someone else similar in size/weight try it to see how they do. The reason is, it might not be the gun, it might have to do with you - eyes, shoulder, etc. Had a friend who was having trouble suddenly hitting targets - tried adjusting everything on the gun - wasn't the gun, he had developed cataracts and needed surgery - point is this, if everything has been changed and checked, and it isn't a bent barrel or similar, then there might be alternative causes to be investigated - it could something as simple as the ammo you are using - just like metallic, shotguns develop a preference for certain ammo over others

Good luck, let us know


New member
Ok I will keep an update, as far as mixing right handed shims is it ok. Like now I have a 65 up front and a 65 in the rear, what would happen if I were to put say a 65 up front and a 55 at the rear. Wouldnt that technically drop the heel more