My 92FS for his 92 Vertec


New member
So on Backpage a guy is wanting to trade his 92A1 for a 92FS because he said he bought holsters for his but they don't work because of the rail.

So in talking to him I found out it is the Vertec model with the rail and a threaded barrel. He said he go it from his brother who had it in his safe for five years and there is about 500 rounds through it. He said he has three mags and no box for it.

So I suggested trading my 92FS I bought last week and has 50 rounds through it. I said I would trade him just the gun, keep my mags and one of his to make up the difference in rounds.

What do you guys think?

My hand is on the smaller/medium size so I'm wondering if the Vertec would be more comfortable for me.

Am I crazy for thinking about trading it off already? I kinda wanted the A1 model with the rail but didn't want to pay the difference when I bought mine...


New member
Well, the 92A1 is not a vertec. You mention both models - are you sure it is a vertec?

It's really up to you. If you like the gun you have, I'd keep it. At a minimum, I'd take the slide off - look at the gun VERY well, and insist on shooting a couple of mags thru it.

I have sold several guns over the years. In all that time, only ONE guy wanted to do this as a condition of the purchase. I agreed to it - all went well, and he bought it.

I personally have an aversion to buying used guns. I've seen too many NEW gun nightmares. And, I've also seen enough stories online. I am afraid I'd get someone's lemon. You also have no idea if they shot hi powered reloads, etc.

But, if you really want to make the trade - that would be my advice. Shoot it first.

However, you have a brand new 92 that YOU bought new yourself. If you like it, I'd keep it as is.

I had a Vertec when they first came out. I personally didn't like it that much and eventually sold it. I like the regular 92 better. I have small hands too, but I still prefer that rear strap curve over the straight vertec.

Also, while I do have many railed 92 variants - my fav of all of them is the standard 92FS. In a 1 handed grip, the balance just works better for the non railed variety, IMHO.


New member
Shoot it first before you decide. If you find out that the Vertec fits your hand better and is in good shape, then go for it. Since the Vertec is discontinued, you may enjoy the novelty of owning an uncommon gun, though don't expect the value of it to surpass a regular 92FS

I have a 92 Vertec that I picked up without shooting beforehand that has become one of my favorite shooters and is a favorite of just about everyone who tries it. With that said, I'm not sure I would trade a brand new standard 92FS for one. As much as I like the Vertec, the standard 92 without the rail is one of the prettiest handguns ever designed.