My 7 year old taking a turkey - neat action pics


New member
We were waiting for a deer a couple of weeks ago and my 7yo just couldn't resist the urge when a bunch of turkey landed around us.

Here are a couple of likely dinners.

Aiming at a turkey.

The shot!!

The bird is down.

The big boy and his bird.


New member
You really need to read the anual from TX.
Each county has specifics about how many, with what, and when.

Bird Hunting can get complicated. So, its best to have the book before hand and read up on your prospective county.

Is that an Eastern Turkey?
Is it turkey season or Spring Eastern Turkey season?
If the bird is a Rio, and he has the available tag for the county he is in, then the kids fine.
(I'm not up on the birds, Rio or not. I don't hunt them.)

Heck, for that matter, is he in TX? LOL


New member
Originally post by WildIdontknowwhatImtalkingaboutAlaska:

Really? Tell us why the regulations state:

"Shotguns are the only legal firearm that may be used to hunt Eastern turkey during the spring Eastern turkey season (see County Listing). Rifles and handguns may not be used to hunt Eastern turkey. "

Is there an exception I am missing?

WildpleaseletusknowAlaska TM

Maybe you should go back and actually read the TPWD Annual that you linked to. The Eastern turkey and spring Eastern turkey season you quoted are not the same as Rio Grande turkey and hunting Rio Grande turkey in counties other than the 43 eastern counties listed. I don't know when spring is where you live, but spring isn't in November here. Try fall season.

I'll make it easy for you:


The annual bag limit for Rio Grande and Eastern turkey, in the aggregate for all counties, is four (4), no more than one of which may be an Eastern turkey. For counties that have an Eastern Turkey spring season, there is no fall season.

* Fall:

Open season: November 1, 2008-January 4, 2009 (either sex).

Archery Only: September 27-October 31, 2008.
* Spring:

Rio Grande turkey: Open season: April 4-May 17, 2009 (gobblers only).

Special Youth-Only (Rio Grande turkey): Open season: March 28-29 and May 23-24, 2009.

Next time, if you don't know or understand, why don't you ask for information instead of accusing someone of illegal activity?


Staff In Memoriam
In Florida we cannot ever hunt over bait for any "game" animal. In our "spring" turkey season we are limited to shotguns but during fall season which runs with deer season we can use shotguns or centerfire rifle rounds.


New member
Originally posted by WildnowImchangingmyattitudeAlaska:

Asking is not an accusation, is it?

Classic mother-in-law. Hint something isn't right. Imply. Quote (or misquote) regulations that you don't understand. All with the intention of causing trouble. When the intended victim says "What exactly are you trying to say MIL?" the reply is "What do you mean?" and an innocent look.

So, Wildalaska, have you quit beating your wife, yet? Asking is not an accusation, is it?

Originally posted by hogdogs:

In Florida we cannot ever hunt over bait for any "game" animal. In our "spring" turkey season we are limited to shotguns but during fall season which runs with deer season we can use shotguns or centerfire rifle rounds.

The rules do vary from state to state. In TX the only restrictions on bait are federal restrictions on migratory game birds which nobody can avoid. Firearms for turkey vary by county. 43 "eastern" counties are one bird limit, spring season only with a shotgun or archery only. 100+ "western" counties are 4 bird combined limit (spring: gobblers only, fall: either sex), any firearm or archery.

Brad Clodfelter

New member
First off, I'm not here to pass judgment, nor am I going to tell you I don't approve of rifles for turkeys even though shotguns is the only way in MO we can hunt them. Your laws are different.

My question is what is the legal hunting age for a youngster in your state?

According to this it is 9yrs of age.

Maybe you can shed some light on the subject.


New member
My question is what is the legal hunting age for a youngster in your state?

According to this it is 9yrs of age.

Maybe you can shed some light on the subject.

Apparently, the Texas Youth Hunting Program is a way for people to get their kids on hunts. I've never heard of TYHP before. It is not a required government program in Texas and since I have a place to hunt I haven't looked into anything like this. Note that 9 years is the minimum age to participate in that program, not a minimum age to hunt in TX. In Texas there is no minimum age for hunting.

And hogdogs is correct. I pay $6 for each of their hunting licenses and that covers all stamps and endorsements except for federal stamps.

I also don't see how anyone could have a problem with using a rifle or handgun for turkey. Lot's of people shoot turkey a lot farther away with a shotgun than I typically do with a rifle or handgun. The range you see in that pic is about 15 yards.

I will also further scandalize TFL by saying that both kids have shot turkeys from the back of a pickup. Now I know someone will say "But that is illegal in Texas. Here is a link to some website that proves it, blah, blah, blah, . . . " which is true, except that it is only illegal on public property. I don't make a habit of having them shoot from a vehicle, but sometimes the opportunity comes up.
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New member
The TYHP is a state funded, "Get your kids into hunting" program.
It is not required to take.
All that is required is that the youth hunter is accompanied by a licenced hunter whom has taken the hunters safety course.
Youth hunters over the age of 14 (it may be 12) must have taken the hunters safety course as well.

Don't mind Wild, Bit.
He's just uninformed and looking to be informed.
Until you get to know him tho, he can be read as passive-hostile.
He's really a very nice guy. And a great source for firearms information.


New member
All that is required is that the youth hunter is accompanied by a licenced hunter whom has taken the hunters safety course.
Youth hunters over the age of 14 (it may be 12) must have taken the hunters safety course as well.

You don't have to take the safety course if you are old enough. I don't know the exact age but I'm "old enough". Young hunters don't have to take the safety course until they are 17 I think, as long as they are accompanied. As you noted if they are over a certain age and have taken the course they don't have to be accompanied. I plan on accompanying my kids for a while so I haven't looked into all the particulars on that.

Don't mind Wild, Bit.
He's just uninformed and looking to be informed.
Until you get to know him tho, he can be read as passive-hostile.
He's really a very nice guy. And a great source for firearms information.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. He just rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. I have read some of his posts from time to time and agree that he seems knowledgeable about a lot of things, but not about Texas hunting regs.


New member
Well I enjoyed that. You learn something everday
Up here in Ontario you got to take a course to hunt
and a course to hunt turkey and then there is a draw
and the bird has to be the right size.
Some years ago there were none but they are coming back real good
Shootgun and bow only
As most of you know we can't hunt with handguns at all.
Sorry you can shoot steel turkey with handgun. ;)


New member
I agree!
The kid used a rifle and got himself a turkey.
Heck, I know some grown men who can't get one with a shotgun on a baited field or not.


Fat White Boy

New member
There are different laws every where for taking different game birds. In California, of all places, hand guns are legal for hunting grouse...