My 220 Sig Is A Pos.


New member
This gun has always shot low for everyone ,about 3 in. at 7 yards and now I notice it has a small hairline crack in the frame. from now on its polimer or steels for me.


New member
That sucks pretty bad, I have had mine for a while and I consider it far superior to anything else I own. All which include G27,22,23, HK USP compact, Sig P 228, 239X2

The P220 is by fat the most accurate gun of the bunch, why yours shoots so low is beyond me. Have a smith look at it.

Is it an old P220? Honestly I have heard of the old P-220s getting cracks in the fram but with the new ones that problem is solved.


Kentucky Rifle

New member
That's pretty bad, alright.

I don't think I've EVER heard someone call their SIG a POS. I've been thinking of getting my first SIG. I've kinda fallen in love with that little P232. A fellow at the indoor range had one in a hip holster last week and it looked goooooood! (The pistol, not the hip!:))



New member
I wasn't too happy with my 220 either. Kept it for a couple of thousand rounds and a LONG trip for warranty work to Sig...about 5 months. I got to the point that even if it did get better, I would never feel confident with it, so I sold it. :(:barf:


New member
If my name was RON 1 I would be on Sig Arms like a fly on horse droppings. I have owned three Sigs for 10 years and I only have one real complaint. What is that? Mine do not like lead bullets. Other than this, I have never put one dime into any of them. Regards, Richard


New member
I agree with Richard . . .

I would call Sig Arms immediately to request they replace the P-220 (presuming it's a "new" semiautomatic). I'll wager they do. Their customer service has always be quite good and their overall reputation is outstanding.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's All,

I agree with JMack, my P220 is by far
superior to anything that I have owned;
including Glock's, H&K's, Colt's, Smith's,
and even a Browning. I too, would contact
Sig's customer service department in New
Hampshire; and I'm sure they will be
more than willing to correct the problem.:eek:

Kentucky Rifle, go ahead and purchase the Sig
of your choice; I don't believe you will be
disappointed. Anything made by man is subject
to flaws; sounds like RON1 just happened to get
one that escaped the quality control exam.:D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


New member
At first my P220 .45 was a pain. The last round in every mag nosedived and jammed tight against the feed ramp. Turned out to be a problem with the mag followers that SIG was using at the time. SIG modified the followers, and the pistol has been fine since then.

As for the P232, it's an accurate and good-looking gun, plus it's easy to shoot. However, the slide of my new P232 intermittently failed to lock back after the last round with both mags. SIG replaced the slide lock--but it took 14 weeks and four non-toll-free long distance phone calls to get them to do it! This ridiculously long wait sure cooled my enthusiasm for SIG products.

That said, SIGs are fine pistols most of the time, and I'm sure I'll warm up to them again, one of these days. :rolleyes:


New member
Had a cracked frame on my first P226. I had possibly run some SMG ammo through it (box did not say it was SMG but they seemed a bit hot). Sent it to SIG and they sent me a brand new gun.


New member
I have heard really really bad things about Sig's Customer Service.

They take a long time to respond to problems, and are generally unhelpful... And it will be a cold day in hell before they replace that thing for free, I assure you !

That being said, Sigs are generally good guns and so most people dont have to worry about their customer service.


New member
I have only had to deal with SIG Arms customer service one time. They aswered my questions and sent me a replacement magazine floorplate at no charge. Everybody has horror stories, but most of the time they are the exception.