My "100 years of 1911" shopping is done!


New member
Back in January, I bought a Colt M1911 made in 1918 but I was still on the lookout for a Colt Series 70, so I could have something to shoot when I wanted to, whenever I wanted to. Two Colt series 70s I was going to buy got sold out from under me, and a third was in worse condition than the one picture below, and 300 dollars more! Where I live, they are not easily found; you can't buy a new one from Colt due to the laws. This followed me home yesterday, and it looks like it was used fairly often for a while, but then put away and if not forgotten, then definitely neglected. I'm not sure, but I may have been the first person to clean it.

I wanted to get some 1911 pattern pistols before the centennial because the prices will only go up, and mission is now accomplished
