Muzzle jump cure

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
Someone told me you could cure a certain amount of muzzle jump by weighting the stock of your rifle.
Supposedly, you can insert the weights inside the stock, by removing the butt plate, and gluing weights to the wood, then replacing the butt plate.
Have any of you guys had any experience with this procedure, and how does it work, or am I getting my leg pulled?


New member
Adding weight will work to reduce recoil/jump. Whether that technique with the buttplate and all will work depends on your rifle and stock. What do you have that you want to make heavier? I brake might help, too, but it'll be louder.


New member
Hmm.. I would be skeptical about that. If you put weight on the for end of your stock under the barrel, then maybe. Some company makes weights which can slip onto Glock rails for that reason.


New member
You can add weight to the forend to reduce muzzle jump. Adding weight to the buttstock will reduce recoil but will not affect muzzle jump.


New member
Don't know if this works in all guns or just mine, but it (weighting the stock) did work.

When I first got my White Oak Upper Service Rifle, it was muzzle heavy. I put lead shot in the stock to balance the rifle just ahead of the mag. well.

It did seem to reduce muzzle whip, not that it was that objectionable in this 223, but it sure made Off Hand Shooting easier.

Jack O'Conner

New member
I sent my Savage 99 rifle in .308 to Magna-Port in Michigan in response to advise from a knowledgeable gunsmith. Excessive muzzle jump had been caused by combination of recoil & the stock design. Magna-Port cut four trapezoid shaped slots near the muzzle yet did not mar the bluing at all. Result: no more muzzle jump and recoil reduced as well. Accuracy same as before the process (excellent).

Cost was about $120. as I recall. Seek further info from their website.



New member
Hang a 10 pound weight to the front of your barrel. That should help. :D

Seriously though, a muzzle brake will help quite a bit.


New member

This two chamber brake is very effective at reducing muzzle deflection. Not so sure about perceived recoil however.


New member
You can add weight to the forend to reduce muzzle jump. Adding weight to the buttstock will reduce recoil but will not affect muzzle jump.

Not true. Adding mass to the buttstock will reduce both muzzle jump and recoil, but it will not reduce muzzle jump as much as adding mass farther from the rifle's axis of rotation.


New member
All stated above should work. Is your accuracy suffering? Is it a gas gun or bolt? What position are you shooting from? Off a rest or bipod? If shooting from a bipod, load up the bipod. It helps control recoil and follow through.

44 AMP

Muzzle jump

IS determined by the rearward thrust (recoil) and the amount of drop in the stock at the butt. THe more the drop, the more the muzzle wants to rise. Notice straight line stocks exhibit the least muzzle jump in all calibers.

Adding weight to the buttstock decreases the recoil thrust (by making the rifle heavier) and because of that, slightly reduces the muzzle jump, generally.

Muzzle brakes and magnaporting reduce recoil/muzzle jump by redirecting a portion of the muzzle blast. There are many designs, some intended to reduce muzzle jump more than reduce recoil, and others vice versa.

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
Sorry about the late reply. I am shooting a Ruger 77, that has a sharp shooter trigger, set at 2lbs, and a Shilen competition bull barrel. in .308. I am loading my own rounds, and have a tack driver load. The rifle is already front heavy from the bull barrel, and I was looking for a way to decrease the barrel from jumping off the rest when bench shooting.
Thanks for all the input.

James R. Burke

New member
Just myself I would hold it to fire like all my other high powered rifles. To me being consistent would do it for me. Or if it is real bad and bothering you a whloe lot you can go with a break, or magnapot it. But like I said this is just myself.