Muzzle flash pic thread!


New member
I'm sure I'm not alone here when I say that I love big muzzle flash! Post up some of your pics. I know some of you have em, or some cool ones you've found on line.

I'll start it off, more cylinder gap flash than muzzle but there sure is some fire! S&W 500



New member
Ruger Security Six stainless / 90 gr 9mm JHP over a case full of WW296.
Total darkness in the Black Hills outside Rapid City.


New member
I'll play! :) This has to be one of the smaller of the muzzle flash pics to come. This is my Walther P-22 loaded with CCI Stingers!


New member
Flash from the cylinder gap:

Not impressive muzzle flash per se, bit looks to me like the camera caught the round leaving the muzzle:


New member
Wow you shoot the whole round case and all lol.. I always laugh when I see that on stuff. Like a car with square wheels :)


New member
Muzzel what? (blink, blink) Hold-on, (blink, blink). Let me get over, (blink) to my (blink) computer (blink blink blink) and pull up some (blink) pictures showing muzzel (blink Blink) flash.


New member
Gun is a .454 Alaskan, very short barrel.Our collection department.jpg
Cigar is a Hoyo De Monteray, Dark Sumatra.
Hope I did this correctly. Is my first post here.


New member
Grant, however cool that is I call shenanigans. I'm pretty sure that is not what was meant with "firearms".

Cool pic though, is that you?


New member
Anytime I see a flamethrower anymore, I have to think of George Carlin...

“The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.”