muzzle brakes etc - confession - oops!

Harry Bonar

New member
I was going through my guns the other day and guess what I realized?
I have a beautiful Jap 6.5 engraved sporter (done by a pro) and looked at the muzzle - egad! it has an old Herters muzzle brake on it!
I assure you I did not put it on - but after my diatribes about muzzle brakes - I HAVE ONE!
So - I must confess that I've shot the rifle and noticed no effect - I do wear ear protection but this excuse in no way absolves me from my hypocrisy in condemning brakes!:eek:
I stand condemned!

It is a beautiful example of the Jap gunmakers art - the stock if beautifully done, the engraving perfect and we are sure this work was done in Japan.

Will you fellas I've sternly condemned for using brakes have mercy on me?
I certainly hope so.
Harry B.:eek::barf::p


New member
Harry: Got any pictures? Hey, i forgive ya, don't know about the rest...after all i to once owned a rifle with a brake, please forgive me, it'll never happen again!:rolleyes:


New member
Your punishment for leading us all astray is to spend the rest of your life shooting and smithing. Now go in peace.


New member
I bought a yugo SKS and the importer took off the grenade launcher and replaced it with a brake. Welded the sucker on too. I took a cut off tool(grinder) and cut the barrel off 1/2" in front of the front sight. Recrowned it and now it shoots great and looks much better. The brake is in my tool box where it belongs.:)


New member

Your 6.5 might not be obnoxiously loud, but I can guarantee that a Browning or Winchester magnum with the Boss will rattle your teeth with the loud report.


New member

Nah, I have a slight brake on a light-weight 300 WM that isn't that loud. It's only enough to bring it down to 30-06 recoil, though.

The only reason I see for that kind of chambering anymore is bigger critters at longer distances - I like my 308 for most everything these days, but the 300 mag is in the truck on elk hunts, just in case.....




New member
I got a very good deal on an A-bolt in 300 WSM and a M70 in 338 WM and both have the Boss. They are so obnoxiously loud that both rifles are now at Shilen being rebarreled. I would much rather put up with more recoil than the noise.