Musings on a new Glock 26


New member
I've been waiting for the last couple of weeks on my main CCW gun (HK P7M8), that is at Metalife awaiting a hard chrome plating. I felt rather naked without it, and my next smallest MAJOR caliber pistol is a SIG 229, which is a little big/uncomfortable for my mode of dress at work. So I went out and bought a new Glock 26 to fill the void. Strong points for me were the obvious size to firepower ratio, weight, and most importantly of all, resistance to corrosion (sweat).

This is the third Glock I've ever purchased. The others were a 22 and a 30. The ugly slide peening and bulged cases of the 40 cal was reason enough for me to get rid of it. The uncomfortable sensation of having my pinky shift around when grasping the .45, and the inability of ME being able to shoot to my accuracy standards with it were the reasons for the 30's departure from my arsenal.

I know I've questioned the Glock living up to its hype on this board before. I've also questioned some that seemed undyingly loyal to another pistol jump ship and defect to the Glock. But don't get me wrong. I've never had a problem with Glocks. I HAVE had a problem with Glock myopians ("A really great combination of combat pistol attributes" would be more apt than "Perfection" IMHO) and those that would have you believe they can shoot 1" groups at 25 yards with stock Glocks offhand. So if you're still interested, here's my take on my new Glock 26, coming from a pessimist that questions EVERYTHING.

I've put 250 rounds through the gun so far (100 Winchester white box, 80 S&B, 50 cheap reloads, 20 Corbon). No problems. Didn't expect any. As a matter of fact, I EXPECT any quality centerfire to perform right from the start. If it doesn't, I'm not going to off it right then and there, but I will cock an eyebrow like the Rock and find out what the hell the handgun's got cookin'.
In my hands, the pistol is suprisingly pleasant to shoot, even with my pinky holding on to nothing. From the limited tests I put it through, I found that I shoot it as good as anything else I have up to 10 yards. I was impressed. Beyond 10 yards, I was unable to shoot strings that I would be proud to call a group. So I figured that combat accuracy was decent, but forget about shooting precise groups, even from a rest. But at that point, my wife and I were running low on ammo, so we decided to play a game where we take pot shots at bottles 50 yards away (we each take one shot apiece at the bottle until one of us hits it and we keep score). My wife was shooting her Walther P99 9mm (and she's a hell of a shot, I might took me 8 years to get to the point she is at after only shooting for a year and a half). We also switched guns every 6 rounds. Well I won 5-3 (Whew! She was making me nervous when she jumped out to a 3-1 lead). But the salient point is that I hit 4 with the Glock and 1 with the Walther and she hit 2 with the Walther and 1 with the Glock (only the second time she ever fired a Glock-the first time she put 5 rounds through my G30 and it pinched her pinky, giving her a blood blister, never to touch a Glock again until now). The bottle she hit with the Glock was on her first shot! And we only had 24 rounds of ammo left before we started the contest! Bottom line: I'm happy!

So how do some of you compare the shooting characteristics of the Glock 26 compared to some of your other Glocks. I always hear about how the Glock 30 outshines all others in the accuracy department. Can anyone tell me what is so special about the G30 that makes it shoot better than the 26, or any other Glock for that matter?

I know this is taking up a lot of bandwidth, but I hope that some of you will enjoy reading about my experience from a non-Glock worshipping point of view.


New member
Mylhouse, I have also been thinking of a Glock 26. Why? I like my Glock 27 that well. I have never had a bobble with the 27 and it is easy to shoot for me. The 27 is the gun that thinks it can do anything and I am done doubting it. Buy a Glock 19 magazine and an A&G adapter for the 26, you will swear you are shooting a Model 19. Regards, Richard.


New member
Richard, I know you're a big 9mm fan, so I say, "Go for it!"
Does the 27 share any of the (what I feel are) shortcomings of the 22 (i.e. slide peening on both sides of the ejection port on the underside and the lack of case support)? I've never heard of a 27 kB!
I'd like to hear from you and Tom B about what kind of rested accuracy y'all have been able to wring out of the mini Glocks. I KNOW Tom B is concerned about accuracy, considering he gets aftermarket barrels for everything to improve accuracy/precision, even the CZ75B! I doubt I could muster any less than 3" @ 25 yards (rested), but maybe some of you with reloading talent and patience have encouraging stories of better groups!

Tom B

New member
I own both the G26 and G27. I have never shot either past 25yds but both are very accurate at that range. I have never measured groups however. I would give the edge to the G26 but it is close. I plan on keeping only one and that will be the G26. I prefer the 9mm. They are both so accurate and 100% reliable that I have never considered an aftermarket barrel for either and that is saying alot for me and Glocks. I agree with Ayoob that the accuracy key with the small Glocks is the dual recoil spring setup. Increased cycle time and increased bullet exit time from the barrel before it unlocks. I use to think that Glocks in general were not very accurate but I have found out that it was me more than Glock. Like the 1911 you must shoot them alot to become very accurate. In the past I shot many different guns so I never got use to the feel. These days I have more and more Glocks and this has helped me in the accuracy dept. Right now I am stockpiling (in a small way) G17s and G19s as I think handgun days are sadly coming to an end. IMO these two models will last the longest and shoot the most. On the 40cal question I have never had the peening problem but I was surprised to note that the G27 did not have the metal inserts molded into the frame. In that cal of Glocks one should look at a stronger recoil spring if extra long pistol life is the goal. Remember my quote with regard to accuracy "If enough is enough then more is better!"

Tom B

New member
Oh one other thing - Get the scherer mag ext and you will see an improvement in your accuracy with the G26 in a big way.


New member
As a new Glock owner myself (I was seduced by the Dark Side only in April), and a former opponent of the entire Glock line, I shared your skepticisms. However, I got one of the little critters as a birthday present. It was a G26!!! I was not able to control it, or shoot it worth a damn until I installed the grip extenders on all of my mags. Now that that has happened, I can shoot it rather well i.e put all 10 into the black at combat range. I like it for it's concealability, and interchangeability of mags with it's bigger brothers. It's for these reasons that my G26 is now my carry pistol.


Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Glock 26: 17 rounds of concealed carry DEATH comming your way from out of nowhere!!! THAT'S FIREPOWER, BABY!!!"


New member
Thanks, Tom, great info! I knew you'd come through! So you think the G17 and 19 will outlast the 26 in the long run? I have already put the Pearce extension on one mag and left the other unchanged for ultra discreet carry.
Denfoote, I'm sorry about getting on your case in the past. That was awfully big of you to respond to my post in the manner you did. Thanks. BTW, my wife really likes my new Glock (she swore she'd never shoot another after the bad experience with the 30), but she still LOVES her Walther much more! ;)


New member

I recently bought a glock 35, .40 s&w. I am just curious as to what you mean by the slide peening? Is this something I should worry about? Are there ways to prevent it?

Thanks in advance for any info you can offer.


Tom B

New member
I really don't see any reason why the G26 wouldn't last as long as the G17/G19. They just haven't been on the market as long therefore have not had the documented endurance testing that the larger ones have. In Glocks however, the 40cal is built on the same frame, with the same recoil spring weight etc... as the 9mm. Thats a pretty larger "hammer" on a continous basis. Now 40cal purists will say "Ok so it will only last 75 instead of 100 years!" Now maybe so and maybe not as I have already seen a couple of G27s with less than 1000rds showing signs of frame battering.


New member
I own a Glock 30 and I have pondered the same thing. I brought this up at GT and nearly got roasted over it. My question was "What engineering design makes the 30 more accurate then the other Glocks?" I got a lot of answers but none that made sense. I have 15 articles done on the Glock 30 since it's inseption and the average bench rest group is 2.5" at 25 yd. NONE of them were under 2". This pretty much eliminated the stories some were telling of 1" groups off hand at 25yd.
I'm a little different then most people since I don't feel the need to exaggerate the capabilities of something just because I own it.

Don't get me wrong, with the pearce grip extensions the Glock 30 is one fine shooting pistol. The fact that it holds 10+1 rds of 45ACP makes it even better.
I love mine, I just don't worship it.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
NRA lifer

[This message has been edited by leedesert (edited August 02, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by leedesert (edited August 02, 2000).]


New member
Richards' right. I love my G26 and i carry it mainly in the warmer months. The hard chromed PSP rides on my hip during the colder months.

But the G30 is deadly accurate. Same basic dimensions as a G19 but thicker. With the right ammo, 2" groups at 25 yards are achievable. The G30 is accurate due to its sight radius and double spring recoil assembly. That combination allows you better follow through after the shot has been fired giving you a better shooting platform. Love mine. :)

My G26 is accurate and reliable and I shoot it as much as the G19. If have A&G mag extenders on some G19 hi-cap mags so other than a shoter sight radius, it feels like a G19.

The G26 is a permanent offering in the Glock line due to its concealability. No doubt.

The Seattle SharpShooter - TFL/GT/UGW/PCT/KTOG


New member
I own a G26 and a G19. The G26 has become my "one gun".

I think the G26 is the BEST Glock pistol overall. Not only does it have the durability and reliability of a Glock, but it doesn't have their *biggest fault*. The G26 has a much more moderate grip angle! If if they could only make a better trigger...


New member
Mylhouse, I am sorry to say I don't do much shooting off a bench. The reason? I learned a long time ago that I could shoot a 44 magnum two handed and standing as opposed to being pounded by recoil on a bench. The next time I go down to my club I will bench rest the Model 27 and post the results. Standing, I get 1 1/2 groups with the Model 27 at 10-15 yards. Regards, Richard.


New member
If you're thinking of getting one, get it quick ... "pocket rocket" ban coming up ...



"Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an armed citizen? I don't like to be coddled and I don't like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right -- I go armed." -- Longcourt Phyllis in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein


New member
Mylhouse, I seriously advice on you trying a Sidearmor IWB for your new 26 -- in case if you hate wearing IWB in general, you can put it OUTSIDE your waist band but with the belt over it. It's, IMNSHO, the best holster for this gun. Speed of presentation and retention are excellent. Give it a try, it's an amazing thing.

Glock 26 is the only 9-er I own. Upon improving my accuracy enough to rely on placement of my shots rather than on the power of my rounds, I started to shop for 9 mm. Sig Sauer P228 was one of the best candidates to fill the niche, but then I tried 26, read TFL, GT, and SIGForum a little, and decided to go with the Glock. Why? I honestly liked its consistent pull of the trigger, its grip after I installed Pierce extensions, the weight, size, etc.

For .40 (although I had 27, I sold it quickly), I have my beloved P229 which I trust absolutely. A Glock in .40? Not for me anymore...

Enjoy your new Glock, and don't forget to put it in a dishwasher once in a while :)


New member
As a matter of fact, once a month I see a used G26 with a pari of 10 rounders going for $399 around here. Now that's a deal! ;)

The Seattle SharpShooter - TFL/GT/UGW/PCT/KTOG


New member
Speaking of hard chroming. My PSP looks like these bad boys.


That's why you should get it hard chromed for all of the nay sayers!

Sempre fi!

The Seattle SharpShooter - TFL/GT/UGW/PCT/KTOG

Red Bull

New member
I cannot count how many people I know that bash Glocks incessantly until they give them a chance. And then, whaddya know, they kinda like them!

I am glad you gave Glock a chance, Mylhouse. It is good to have an open mind, and skepticism can be healthy. I am also happy that you are strong enough to post that you had a good experience. I wonder how many closet Glock lovers there are out there that have had good experiences but don’t want to admit it. ;)

The problem is that "a great compilation of qualities" does not make a very good advertising slogan. "Perfection" is an advertising slogan. For some reason, people get really bent over that advertising slogan. I think that it is so offensive because it is so close to the truth. The Glock is a pretty impressive design (although nothing is perfect for everyone).

I have gotten 2.5 inch groups offhand with my Glock 27 at 25 yards on paper. The G26/27/33 can be pretty accurate. They are probably more accurate than I am because I do not shoot them as well as the other Glocks. I have not put my Glock 26 on paper. And, I stand by the fact that I have gotten around 1 inch groups, measured center to center, five shots in one large ragged hole with my Glock 30, offhand. I could care less if people want to call me a liar, it is true and I get no satisfaction by telling lies over the internet. I have one of the targets with me right now, and I shot it at a range so the distance was measured, not estimated. Next time I will try to videotape it or something and then when people question it, I will send them a copy of the video for $5.

Everyone has their theory on the reasons for the accuracy of these guns. I attribute it to the short, thick, stout barrel. Whatever it is, these guns are very accurate. Not quite target grade, but damn accurate for a reliable combat grade gun.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited August 03, 2000).]