Murphy really sucks!

Eric Larsen

New member
I have been running across great guns at nice local stores and have 0 money to spend on them right now! :mad: How come this happens when Im broke? How many of you does this happen to?
When I have funds available...I MIGHT find a gun I like..MIGHT!
Im not really in the market for a 380 presently...had plenty in the past. I ran across a LNIB Browning BDA Blued with the older style wood grips...looked good. I drop the mag...OK...Hi Cap and a spare to boot....very nice. Then I had to pull the trigger....WHAT? Hey you come here...try this trigger.....oooohh aaaahh...thats nice!
2 other ex BDA owners tried it and agree its the best theyve tried.
This is the smoothest and sweetest d/a trigger I have EVER tried.
I would have bought it on the spot..and Im not even looking for a gun..let alone a .380. Murphy really bites, sometimes harder than others......:D
Shoot well


New member
I know what ya Mom calls me Rich Man, Poor Man. When I have money I have lots of it. When I'm broke I'm dirt poor.

The dirt poor is when I see good deals. I gotta learn to put away a rainly day fund.

Good SHooting


New member
This used to happen to me regularly, when I was young...I'm now 68 and it still happens regularly. Murphy is not an optimist....he is...he is...never mind:rolleyes:


New member
Happened to me twice already:

Last year for a P7M8 priced $950 when the going rate was $1400. Now it costs $2300! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Then, early this month at the gunshow, a Kahr E9 (a rarity hereabouts) for $420.

I simply excused myself for a minute to tell the wife, when we returned, 'twas SOLD!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Eric Larsen

New member


New member
I've learned to stay out of the gun shops when I'm broke, if not brother murhpy talks me into sommething the the wife is gonna give me hell for. :D


New member
If you don't carry a balance a credit card gives you a month to scrabble up the money for that gun you just have to buy cause its such a good deal. I found a deal on a Smith M58 last weekend and will pay for it next month when the card bill rolls in.


New member
All summer long, I had been saving my pennies for an AR-15 carbine to purchase when I got back to school.

When I got back to school, though, the cashier's office informed me that since I am taking 18 credits, I would owe an extra $500. Gah! There goes the most of my AR-15 money.

Swing by J&G to stock up on ammunition (ammo money is in a different pot). Up on the wall is a beautiful brand new DPMS AR-15 carbine flattop, M4 contured barrel, everything exactly the way I want my AR-15 to be - and it's only $699!


I whimper to myself, wishing that I didn't have to pay tuition.. sigh, turn away, start trying to fight for a sales person's attention so I could get some 7.62x51... then my ears perk up as I hear a gentleman walk in, look at the AR-15.. "Yup, that's the one I want. I'll take it."


I will be AR-15-less for a few months longer, I suppose.. well.. at least I'll get in more quality time with my 1911.


"I whimper to myself, wishing that I didn't have to pay tuition.. sigh, turn away, start trying to fight for a sales person's attention so I could get some 7.62x51... then my ears perk up as I hear a gentleman walk in, look at the AR-15.. "Yup, that's the one I want. I'll take it.""

Argh, that must have been a terrible sinking feeling!


New member
Man, that's harsh.

In all seriousness, I think that with the economy not doing so hot lately a lot of really good deals get created for a couple of reasons:
1)People need money, so they start selling off guns that they own.
2)The retail places are having a harder time moving merchandise, so they drop prices and offer special deals.

It's the same thing with most consumer goods. Just look at what kind of a deal you could get on a new car.