Multiple item transfer question, please help.

Any .45

New member
Hello All,

Thank you in advance for any help submitted. I was wondering if I were to do a FFL transfer from manufacturer to FFL holder or FFL to FFL and the tranfer was for multiple items; for instance like 3 or 4 lower recievers or handguns, does that count as a single transfer or should I look forward to having to pay a fee for each individual item? Does it depend on the individual dealer, on how they would go about it or is it a BATF issue? Again thanks in advance for your help.:)


New member
As far as the fee the dealer charges you, it is totally up to him. As he is going to have to do the paperwork on each item individually, I'd say he is going to charge you for each transfer.


New member
I've got one dealer here that charges a really good fee but she charges that for each firearm. I've got another dealer that charges $5.00 more than the other one but he doesn't add additional fees for more guns. Therefore, I will split my business accordingly.