Multiple Handgun purchases in VA ???

Bob Locke

New member
It's not that difficult, but it takes a little longer. I work part-time at a gun shop in SE Virginia, and they are definitely the exception rather than the rule. I believe that the economics of plunking down a few hundred dollars per gun plays into it at least as much as the multiple purchase permit hassle.

If you're really interested, I'd call the state police in Richmond to find out more.

Rob Pincus

New member
thanks, bob, I've got 14 coming in next month.

In your experience, how long does it normally take to process the form?

...and, is the form automatically approved if the individual requesting the Multi-Purch passes the instant check, or are there other factors?


New member

14? WOW!


[This message has been edited by Lucas (edited January 30, 2000).]

Bob Locke

New member

Are you having them shipped in from out of state or something? If you did, and you already paid for them, then the only thing you'll have to do is go through the background check. Can you be a little more specific on "I've got 14 coming in next month"? If you'd rather e-mail me, we can do that rather than discussing it out here.

Rob Pincus

New member
Well, I have two scenarios, one group of guns is already registered to me, the other group are new guns that I ordered at SHOT Show.

If I understand what you are saying, the guns that are being shipped from my old dealer in TN, that are already mine, I can just pick them up like normal?

What about the new guns, my question still stands about the requirements for approval. Is this form just for record keeping or do you have to qualify somehow to make multiple purchases?

I don't mind keeping the conversation out here, might be helpful for some other members too....