MSNBC TV Comment SHOT Show comment on Ruger


New member
I was flipping through the TV stations last night and saw a short segment on the SHOT Show. The guy doing the show made one comment about Ruger along the lines of "Ruger is a shotgun maker who's recently begun manufacturing handguns due to the increased demand for handguns".

Wow. I wonder if he ever heard of the Ruger Mark I, Mark II, Blackhawk, Redhawk, etc..


New member
Wow. I'd like to see that report. If the thread is accurate, it wasn't just the reporter but also the producer of the story/segment that was clueless.

Many companies, and I assume Ruger, provide background information about their products and services whenever they interface with reporters or photographers. Ruger's 2007 catalogue has a cowboy with a revolver in hand, on horseback.

When viewers spot these errors, they should call the station/network. Sometimes stories play again and in different versions (packaged report, anchor voice over video, etc.) and they can be quickly corrected.

Wild Horse

New member
Good Grief Charlie Brown, I'm a member of the press/media and my press passes/badges hang on a neck band so I can grab them in a second to cover a story.

It amazes me how some of my fellow press members can just run to the keyboard and knock out some fictional story.

I report only fact, no spin, no phony numbers, just fact.


New member
Didn't the P-85 come out in like 1986? I'm not real up on Ruger but wasn't that the latest really new handgun Ruger came out with?


New member
Are you sure the media said such a thing, I can't , no its not true, I'll have to no longer watch t.v., now whats next, our elected people become miss informed...or turn things around.......:rolleyes:

44 AMP


Ruger's first gun was the semi auto .22 LR pistol, introduced, IIRC in 1956. That gun lives on today in it's third generation.

Sturm, Ruger &co. have been making handguns longer than they have any other arms. The early pistols had the Ruger emblem in red. After Sturm died, all Ruger's pistols have the emblem in black, and so it remains to this day.

For the "newsperson" to state that "Ruger only recently started making handguns due to the high demand" not only shows a total lack of research, but his pathetic attempt at spin shows a total lack of integrety.

However, the individual reporter MAY be honestly ignorant, and only reading something prepared for him by someone else. If this is the case, then the copy writer deserves the blame. As well as the the network producing the segment, for a total lack of fact checking.

Either way, just one more talking head demonstrating to the informed segment of the world, what a idiot he is.


New member
I think it was about 1956 that Ruger came out with the Single Six. Again prior to that the company was made with it's first little auto 22.

Harry Callahan

New member
The media really have no clue when it comes to firearms. I remember reading the paper some time ago and coming across a picture of an officer with his "revolver". Only thing wrong was that the officer in the photo was clearly carrying a Beretta 92F. Scary thing is these are the people reporting the "facts". Let's face it, the only thing the media is interested in is promoting their anti gun agenda without letting the facts get in the way. I posted this clip recently but in case anyone missed it here is required viewing for anyone reporting on firearms related issues. Here is is:


Hey I have a 1949 Ruger shotgun in excellent to almost new condition I would like to sell that reporter. I 'll give him a great price on such a collectible firearm. Anyone know how to contact this guy?


New member
Thomas Jefferson said:

"Those who do not read the newspaper are uninformed. Those who do, are MISinmformed.":D