
New member
I am helping a friend with a special gift for her significant other. She wants to get him a Steyr Aug type rifle. From what I have found there seem to be three oprions:

1 A real Aug for insane money.

2 MSAR STG 556


From reading here and other places, I am understanding that the AXR takes AR mags, but they are very hard to get and have a long waiting list.

STG 556 takes their own mags, except for the E4 which uses AR mags. However many say it is very picky with AR mags and can not use metal ones.

MSAR seems to have a very good reputation for service. Right now we are kind of leaning toward the MSAR one. Does anyone have anything to add or any big reason to go the other way? Also, anyone have a good place to get one?

Thanks for any help or information.


I am understanding that the AXR takes AR mags, but they are very hard to get and have a long waiting list.

There was a point where it was hard to get one particular very good brand of AR magazine... the magpul p-mag... right after the election. All the other traditional aluminum AR mags were still available, though.

P-mags are back on the market and available again.

Tucker 1371

New member
azredhawk, I think he meant the TPD AXR, not the AR mags.

I know nothing about the AXR but the STG-E4 is a newer model from MSAR that takes STANAG (aka AR/M16) magazines. Other than that it is identical to the STG-556

As far as I know there is no waiting list for these and they can be had for reasonable prices.
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New member
I have a MSAR E4. Nothing but good things to say about the company and the rifle is solid as well. These were expensive in the middle of the Obama craze but the price is down to reasonable levels (I paid an insane amount)

Of the 3 you listed, MSAR and Steyr are going to be more available. MSAR will be less money but I think it is a high quality product, backed by a reputable company. If the Steyr brand doesn't matter, I'd go with the MSAR. They've made enough of them (over 10K) that they've worked the bugs out.

As for StG556 vs E4, depends on how much you mind supporting another mag system. I already support several and didn't want yet another, plus I have 7 ARs so mag compatibility is a plus. The metal mag vs poly mag issue is new to me. I haven't actually seen the reports that metal mags wear the mag certainly is possible, though, since that part is plastic. Guess that is just more reason to buy more Pmags.

As for being "picky" about mags, I'm not aware of that other than Lancers are incompatible due to the outer dimensions.


New member
Thanks for all the replies. It looks like we are going to go with the MSAR STG556 E4 in green with the optic.

I also just saw that Steyr iss making them here now too. They want like $2300 for them! :eek:


STG 556 takes their own mags, except for the E4 which uses AR mags. However many say it is very picky with AR mags and can not use metal ones.

I bought an STG E4 and am overall happy. It's very comfortable and shoots well.

It does not take AR mags reliably. I will only feed it my MSAR mags or my plastic PMags. I bought it for the reason of mag compatibility, so that was a mistake. But the extra rails are nice too, so I'm annoyed but not upset because the mags are only $10.

My advice is that if money is tight, get the STG 556. If the owner would appreciate the extra rails or the possibility of mag compatibility, get the E4 model for $300 more. Either way, buy up several magazines.

I personally did not buy the optics with the gun. I prefer a red dot. Which ever way you go, I would either buy a scope for the rifle, or give $ with it intended for a scope.