MSAR STG-556 Ejection Problems

I had my MSAR out last week, and as usual, it was functioning flawlessly. put a few 30 round mags through it, when all of the sudden, i had a failure to feed. i dropped the mag, cycled the action to clear the misfeed, popped the mag back in and tried again. this time it failed to feed on the manual cycle. i looked in the action, and there was a spent casing still seated. i got home and popped it out with a cleaning rod. yesterday, i had it out again. first round had the same issue.

what do you guys think? broken extractor? who does repairs on these? does ratworx?


New member
Have you field stripped the gun, cleaned it really well and inspected the removable parts for anything suspicious, broken or really worn?


New member
Early MSARs are known to break extractors. They redesigned it in later ones. I have an early one and contacted them about it. They sent me the new design free of charge. I don't know what the deal is now though since I believe they filed chapter 11. sells bolts for them but I don't know if they sell just extractors, should you need one. If MSAR can't help, they may be able to.


New member
MSAR is totally out of the picture now that they have gone bankrupt. I would contact Ratworx and see if they can help you. While you have Ratworx on the phone I would pick up as many spare parts as possible from them because their supply isn't going to last forever and when they're gone, they're gone forever. I've never had an extractor problem but I have had plenty of failure to feed problems because my STG likes to double feed. I had an E-4 model that had enough problems that I finally traded it in and my STG model may be next. For a defense weapon I demand near 100% reliability and I just don't get a warm fuzzy feeling out of my MSARs anymore, especially since there is no factory service and support.
I actually got it apart yesterday, and I don't see any damage to the extractor. I have attached some pictures just in case I'm wrong. I took off the extractor and cleaned it and under it. The spring and o-ring were still there as well. The spring does have some kind of form-retainer in the center of it as well. I put it all back together and tried to manually cycle rounds. It looks like the rounds are being pulled out of the barrel, but they aren't being ejected from the chamber. Would this still be an extractor problem, or is this another piece that is malfunctioning?


it was the extractor. the tip had chipped off, so it was pulling them out of the chamber, but not flipping them out. all fixed now. not sure if AR-15 extractor replacement is this big of a pain, but even with the right punches, getting the pin back thru the extractor was extremely difficult. both my babies run great now tho :D



New member
Press down on the extractor when trying to insert & seat the extractor pin. Depending upon which of my STG's we're talking about, this can be finger pressure or require pliers but I've never required a punch for removal or insertion (in fact, to remove the extractor I use finger pressure to press down on the extractor then use the removed firing pin to easily push the extractor pin out).
It's a good idea to pull the extractor once in awhile for cleaning as STG's like to accumulate crud under the extractor.
i was pressing down. even tried pressing down with pliers. while this made it easier, it still didn't want to slide in. i ended up using a slightly smaller punch as a guide.