Mrs. jd's new 640 arrives!!!


New member
Our new family member was just delivered, and he's cute as a bug. The little devil is six and a half inches long and weighs one pound, seven ounces.:rolleyes:

This is our first snubby, and our second hammerless revolver.(I've got a nice old lemon squeezer)

We spent some time last night dry-firing at the light switches around the house, getting used to the grip and trigger. The trigger pull is similar to my 686, and I'd call it not too bad. The shape of the trigger is curled a little too tight for my fat finger, and the end of the trigger digs into my finger a little more than I like but --hey it's not my pistol. Mrs. jd doesn't seem to have the problem with her skinny little digit.

We got home late tonight, but had enough time to run up the hill and burn up a box of my 38 reloads. The instruction manual says not to use reloads, but we were just born to be wild.:p

My chick started out good but went down hill the more she shot; probably a case of weenie finger. At any rate our 14" gong didn't stand a chance at 15 yards, or at 25 either. Before we were out of shells, I stepped back to 50 yards and scored 4 out of 5 with the last two cylinders. Fourteen inches is a pretty big target, but at 50 yards I think I proved that this little pistol is shooting POA.

Next time we go we'll get it on the paper with a few different loads; Might even try some factory stuff. I'm not much at posting pictures, but I'll try to get around to it. jd


New member
Congratulations on a great revolver, the 640 is my favorite carry gun. I have two 640-1s. One remains unfired, the other one anything but. I have killed hundreds of groundhogs with mine, out to a laser ranged 128 yards. Mine shoots to POA with about any .357 load.


New member
I have killed hundreds of groundhogs with mine, out to a laser ranged 128 yards. Mine shoots to POA with about any .357 load.

Now that is some kinda double action shooting. A lot of folks would call BS on you but not I. I've done pretty well with my buddy's snub at 80 yards, and that off-hand.(14" gong) Most people seldom stretch out the distance with their little pistols to see what they can do. It's a lot of fun, and can be truly amazing.

Doing the right things to hit your target at 100 yds. definitely helps ya keep them in the black at 25 yds. jd


New member
I would be lying if I said I haven't missed some groundhogs at that range also, but it is amazing what these small revolvers are capable of. A lot of people do not give them enough credit. I carried my 640 daily on the farm for 10 years while working, and if I saw a groundhog, I would take a crack at it. It got to the point that within about 50 yards it was almost a sure thing.


New member
jdscholer said:
My chick started out good but went down hill the more she shot; probably a case of weenie finger.

Brave words for a guy whose chick just got a new gun.... :D

How about some pics of the new delivery?....


New member
Ummm yeah, pictures.

That's where I take a couple shots of our new gun, download them, and a couple of hours later figure out how to post the least mediocre attached image to my post.:eek:

Heck, I think I might have to put that off till later. I'd rather load up a couple hundred shells for another session with the gong.:p jd