Mrs Arafat


New member
Ok I haven't done a web search for a cite but, last night right I was in the bed watching MSNBC (I know they suck) and they had a blurb about Mrs Arafat who is in Paris. She made a public statement saying and I quote (from what I can remember) "If I had a son I would gladly sacrafice him for the palestinian cause as a glorious martyr". :mad:

I am SO sick and tired of these ba$tards I can't stand it. The US does everything in its power (short of putting a bullet in his brain) to get Arafat to go on the record condemning terror operations, he finally does it and then his wife comes out using the same kind of word game that whips the palestinians into a foaming at the mouth group of savages.

At this point I could care less about the palestinians. There isn't a innocent amoung the lot.


New member
For all Arafat's talk of being a martyr he seems to be working pretty hard in insuring his own survival.



Moderator Emeritus
There isn't a innocent amoung the lot.
:barf: :mad: :barf:

That sounds like something the Islamic Extremists who brought down the WTC would say...

I'm against the terrorists over there too, but to say there isn't an innocent palestinian among the lot is a dangerously narrow vision.


New member
From what I have been able to glean from Fox News regarding the Palestinian Authority, there have been occasions where opposition to Arafat has arisen; a challenge if you will to his "authority." But whenever a voice in opposition is raised, particularly with respect to what may become a political challenge, the person or persons are summarily assassinated by Arafat's Fatah goons.

The Arab world in general and the Palestinians in particular have one and only ONE goal, the complete destruction of Israel and the death of its inhabitants. That is a pretty difficult matter to "negotiate." Any so-called "Peace Process" brokered by the U.S. or an international body will be used by the Palestinians as a break in the hostilities so they can rebuild and restore their capacity to attack Israel and kill jews. It has always been so.

There may be innocent Palestinians. But if they want to break the cycle of violence, the hard liners have to go. I don't see that happening. As for the homicide bombers (yes, I said homicide), the indiscriminate mass killers of Israeli civilians, their lot is nothing short of pathetic. Any governing authority which sanctions such desperate acts and condones them through force fed political indoctrination of impressionable youth is morally and ethically bankrupt and should be rejected by the civilized world let alone their own subjects (and the Palestinians are indeed subjects).

Oh, yes, Mrs. Arafat. It must be interesting to many but hypocritical in the extreme to most to hear her pontificate and sanctify the acts of ignorants from her well appointed Paris apartment. If she is so committed why not be with her husband in the fetid hell hole of Ramallah?

I find absolutely no moral relativity whatsoever between the Israeli and Palestinian positions, none.