Mr. LawDog ....paging Mr. LawDog...


New member
Mr. LawDog Sir,

I know you are busy , and I respect your time and all. That said - we ain't had a new entry for the LawDog Files in a l-o-n-g time!

< LawDog is rubbing his chin, Rich is cringing because Steve posted that a "yes yes" nod from Rich I see? Heck even Markos is grinning>

So Mr. LawDog how about it? Uh Uh PUHleeees Sir? Just throw a reference about a gun , knife or tactic in the story to make it fit the Forum Req's, Rich won't care, and being a Mod and all yourself - Executive Priviledge !


I'll go make some popcorn and be ready. :)

The Rock

New member
The hair on my paws is certainly grayer than the last time I heard one. It would be nice to have another one sometime in the near future.



New member
Well, I just read the first one for the first time. Thanks alot Jerks. You realize i am about to lose 4 hours of my life to this site now?

Sheesh. :p