Mr. Civil Libertarian sees the light


New member
On Geraldo's show tonight, Allen Dershowitz, Harvard law prof and the guy who thinks that no one should own a gun, said that the terrorist attack shows the need for proactive prevention and preemption, including assassination. He said that the govt. knew that Bin Laden was training pilots for no reasonable purpose, and that we should have gone in and eliminated Bin Laden and the pilots.

Dershowitz is usually an extreme liberal pain in the butt, but he is honest. He has admitted in the past that as much as he doesn't like it, the 2nd Amendment is an individual right, and that anti-gun people should not bother arguing that it applies only to the state militias. He has said that if you don't like it, work to repeal it.

If even Dershowitz can see the light, maybe there is some hope that we can do the right thing.