MPro 7 for cleaning

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Anyone tried this stuff?

My wife doesn't appreciate the glorious aroma of Hoppe's #9, so I am curious as the whether this stuff works without causing rust, etc., particularly if it gets into a revolver mechanism where I normally would not go.

[This message has been edited by Guy B. Meredith (edited January 24, 2000).]

Matt VDW

New member
It works.

Mpro7 won't clean quite as aggressively as, say, brake cleaner, and it might not be the best thing for copper fouling, but it's a dandy general purpose gun cleaner. I've been using it for about three months now.

I'm still unsure as to whether or not it might cause rust if it gets into the nooks and crannies of a gun and de-greases the metal. It does remove grease and oil, and it does seem to be an aqueous solution of some sort, so the potential is there. I haven't detail stripped any of my guns to check yet. What I have done is to squirt a "chaser" of lighter fluid into any crevices where I think stray MPro7 might cause problems.


New member
I have been using MPro7 for almost two years now, and I haven't had any problems with it causing rust... Of course, the areas that I clean I always either re-oil or grease, but no nooks or crannies have shown any rust... It doesn't smell much either, which is one of the reasons why I like it...