Moving To Wyoming!!

Any .45

New member
How's it going? I'm moving to Casper, Wyoming around August or September, after training in Texas. I'm currently in S. Florida we have some very decent guns laws. I was wondering how the laws are in WY, yeah I know the NRA website has individual state laws etc. But I wanted to know how the LEO's were, any good shooting ranges, gun shops, hang outs, gas prices. I ask because I've always lived in big cities NY, Miami, Milwaukee, and now I come to find out that Casper's population is like 50,000, I have 50,000 living in my neighborhood :eek:, so LEO's really don't pay attention around here how is life over there.


New member
Hey, it will be nice to have another TFL member up here! I'm also in Casper.

The best way to describe gun laws in this state is this: A good friend of mine has his FFL. When looking through the book on the specific laws for each state, the Wyoming laws don't even fill an entire page.

LEO's here are pretty cool. I had one ask me once during a traffic stop if I had any weapons in the car. I told him there were a pair of AK-47's, a few scoped rifles, a shotgun and two pistols in the trunk. (I was coming home from the range) We had a good laugh and talked guns for about five minutes. If called they will show up... eventually. Unless it is a domestic violence call, in which case there will be 8 squad cars, a swat team and a platoon of marines respond in under a minute.

This is a shall issue state for CCW and we have reciprocity with a good chunk of the other states.

There are a few places to shoot around here. There is a range just north of town called Stuckenhoff. There is also a place a few miles west of town where most people go, it is private land but anyone can shoot there anytime. We also have a skeet range just east of town. I'm pretty sure that one is private.

As far as good gun stores go, good luck. We have a Rocky Mountain Discount Sports, which is just overpriced enough to make the store name a joke. My buddy with the FFL owns Western Defense Systems and can get you about anything you need at a good price. (Except class 3 that is)

Today Gas prices are $2.04 for unleaded, $2.14 for plus and $2.24 for premium or diesel.

Hang outs is a tough one to answer. I was born and raised here and havn't found a decent hangout in 24 years.

98% of the world's pronghorn antelope population is located within 45 miles of Casper. Some people refer to them as 'Turbo Goats' They seem to have no moral issues about stepping in front of a fast moving pickup.

All in all, this is a nice place to live. Although there isn't much to do once the sun sets, if you like outdoor sports this is heaven. With Casper Mountain being a few minutes away there is cross country and downhill skiing, snowmobiling, 4-wheeling, hiking, rock climbing and mountain biking. Alcova lake is about a half hour east, it is stocked with rainbow trout. There are a few walleye in there as well. If you're intersted in skydiving, there is a group of us that try and get a few jumps in every other weekend.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.... I hope you like wind.


New member
Welcome - lotsa Texans moving in... Some Floridians too. Most of us here are hoping to keep those numbers to a minimum since we don't want those big city problems following thier populace to our slice o' heaven. :D But it's gonna happen. :mad:

Gun laws here are good - I'd assume a Florida CCW is honored here, (Texas too) but haven't checked the list to see. Get a Wyo one though, easy enough to do. NFA items are allowed. No special taxes or state limitations - the fed's are bad enough.

Open carry allowed statewide, but some municipalities have thier own laws - check yours. Gas is cheap ($1.99 where I fill up) but I don't know about Casper's prices, ranges, LEOs, shops, or hang outs. I avoid any place with over 10,000 pop - too much of a big city for me. :cool:

Apple a Day

New member
If you're up near Shoshoni - south of Thermopolis(?) - then stop by my uncle Jim's. He owns White's Sporting Goods. It's a bit smallish and it takes up the basement level of his house but he's got all sorts of neat frontier stuff and plenty of authentic frontier guns/blackpowder. He's also a hoot to hang out with. He has a stuffed buffalo in his dining room 'cause he could never figure out how to get it down the stairs to the shop. He's got the only 8 gage shotgun I've ever seen and lots of other interesting stuff.
Say hi from his nephew in law, Erick


New member

He thinks there are girls in wyoming.....

You know, most jokes got thier start with real events. Have you heard the one about the cowboy and the sheep?

Any .45

New member
:eek: .............Stop playing, really stop, ok what do you mean, Population has more males than females, according to the casper website....don't tell me this. I'm leaving mine in Miami. :mad:


New member
Better stock up on velcro gloves and hip waders :D

wyo, where the men are men and the sheep are scared :D

hey, its all good, there are women in wyo, but you are out of luck because i happened to have found the best one!


New member
I heard girls are the most elusive and challenging thing to hunt in Wyoming.

Arn't those the best kind though? :D

Wyoming sounds appetizing... that'll be number 2 on my list ;) How's summer? I like cold winters myself...


New member
hey, its all good, there are women in wyo, but you are out of luck because i happened to have found the best one!

Heh - I imported mine from Nevada... But I know a couple Wyoming Natives who would be quite the catch. Problem is they're probably more of a man then most outta staters anyhow - ya couldn't keep up!


New member
Any .45, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of work will you be doing? will you be working in the oilfield?


New member
I never knew we had so many wy folks on the board. We should all get together and burn trough some ammo this summer.
I never knew we had so many wy folks on the board. We should all get together and burn trough some ammo this summer.

Yeah....may have more of us than you want soon.

I'll be coming out end of this month to look at ranches:
Thermop, WY
DuBois, WY

Ennis, MT
Lewistown, MT
Anaconda, MT

Could get ugly!