Moving to Solve Your Prob.


New member
Ok before you tell me to look in the back files I did. Didn't find anything as to what I wanted to ask. So here goes I was doing a citizens class at the local police station with their firearms trainer. He stated that you solve 50 to 80 percent of your problem just by moving in a gun fight which I agree with maybe not the percents but the general statement. Well his reason for this was that BG's don't practice much when I said I had just read an article that and think it was they had interviewed 1000 BG's and most stated they practiced with some regularity he said that in being a diplomate that I was smokin crack BG's never practice. Question if anybody out here can point me in the right direction as to where any info is on this cause I for some reason I have CRS all of a sudden. I would really like to show him it and see what he has to say. And I know it won't make much of a difference but just to prove my point . Thanks in Advance for any help. Kurt Be Safe Out There


New member
yeah they practice-doing drive by
sure its harder to hit a moving target
but its also more difficult for the mov-ee to fire back accurately
if you can practice shooting on the run then you'd be "the man":cool:

model 25

New member
Well I guess you could bring up past shootings that gained attention. Platt and Matix shootout in Florida was one where the bad guys did alot of practice and killed members of the FBI swat team.

These low life killers would go out where people shoot and murder them for their guns then practice a thousand rounds a trip. They used a Mini 14 they took from one they killed.

It would seem as though when bad guys do practice good men will suffer.
