Moving to Denison Texas


New member
Found me a nice little lake home, but I need to know the best and nearest places to shoot. And was wondering if there are any internet forums for texas shooters, surely there are, Oklahoma has one. Any other nifty info would also be appreciated.


New member
Denison is a nice little town. I used to travel there on business once in a while back when I worked for Kwikset Locks. I think you'll like it I found it very friendly and really liked the people that I met. Other than that bit of reassurance I can't be of much help. Oh except that my friends there used to warn that they take a zero tolerance approach to speed limits. I don't know first hand because I always stayed just under the speed limit everywhere between Tulsa and Dallas and so never had an issue. But I also never saw anybody else speeding through Denison either. ;)