moving to allentown pennsylvania


New member
Hi everyone i am new here and i would like to thank all of you for letting me be part of this big family.I have a question maybe someone here would be able to help me out .I am from new york city and i am planning to move to allentown PA in a couple of months.I have a new york city pistol license and a rifle and shotgun license and i have a couple of handguns and a couple of rifles and shotguns and they are all registered under my name. i would like to know what do i have to do to legally bring this firearms into my new home in allentown PA.I would really appreciate your help thanks guys and hope to see you all soon.


New member
There is no licensing in PA except for the concealed carry permit. All you need to do is show up and you're perfectly legal in PA. The concealed carry permits are issued in the county by the sheriff's department.

You're moving to an entirely new world when it comes to firearms relative to NYC.


New member
Hey guys thanks so i guess that all i need to do is notify the NYPD and let them know that i am moving out of new york city and hopefully they won't give a hard time you can expect anything from these people.


New member
It's a law that you have to notify NYPD that you're moving out? I wouldn't tell 'em. If they need to know that, let 'em look for you.

Coyote Blue

New member
This column answers some questions about the new Draconian gun laws of NY. It's bad. real bad

I spent yesterday reading through the text of New York’s new gun bill, and talking to state officials about what its various provisions mean for gun owners.

Below is an FAQ about the bill. If you have an additional question, leave it in the comments section or go to my FB page. I’ll do my best to answer it.

But not yours of course. And you are getting out. Just do what the Colts did to Baltimore in 1983. Pack up and move quietly at 2 O'Clock in the morning and find freedom in Pennsylvania. :)

Of course you are not a traitor like they were. Just exercising your unalienable rights.

Seriously,IANAL. One will be along shortly to clarify. ;) I do like 2ndsojourn's opinion

Don P

New member
Hey guys thanks so i guess that all i need to do is notify the NYPD and let them know that i am moving out of new york city and hopefully they won't give a hard time you can expect anything from these people.

Really, why? I moved from the city years and years ago and never told the NYPD I was moving. No ones business but your own as to where you are going. Why on earth would you want to open Pandora's Box:confused:


New member
Hey guys thanks it seems like PA is a totally different world.You have no idea what i have to go through here when ever i decide to add a handgun to my collection.I really enjoy hunting and anything that has to do with the shooting sport.Hopefully i will get to meet some of you guys and maybe we can go and shoot together sometime.thanks again you guys were very helpful.
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New member
And you'll have a couple of good REALLY local gunshows to visit. Not something you can easily say in NYC.


New member
gun show

Hey Jonnyc thanks for the information on the gun show i really appreciate it.there is no such thing as a gun show in nyc.I have to go out of the city to go to a gun show in new york state and there is not much you can do if you come from nyc (yeah i know it sucks) that is what i have to live with in this great city.(not for long)


New member
Legally put guns in car, drive to new residence in PA. Put your guns in new house.

Go to Sheriff, apply for License to Carry Firearms. Get license as this is shall issue state.

Buy a holster.

Enjoy freedom.

Congratulations on you move.


New member
Well, I believe you have to wait a few months before you go to the sheriff's office. You also have to prove you are a resident. Registering to vote and a driver's license will do. Costs $20.