Moving On

Fernando Coelho

New member
Effective immediately, I will no longer be involved with Triton Ammunition Corporation.

To the extent that I can discuss the situation, I will state that the transition from Triton Cartridge Corporation, which I founded in 1994, to Triton Ammunition Corporation with new principal owners as of December 2001, has not been the happy event which I envisioned for either myself personally, or the reconstituted enterprise with which I've been associated over the past almost eight months.

Broken promises and unrealized funding is but a small part of it, and that part is something I willingly leave behind. The warm personal and professional friendships, however, are another matter.

It is my intention to remain in the firearms industry. I'll keep one and all apprised of any such developments.

In the interim, I will be working on the realization of a long-envisioned Internet enterprise, Your American Backyard , the completion of which I hope to announce within the month. Stop by and take a look... feedback is always welcomed.

-Fernando Coelho


Staff Alumnus

No need to welcome Fernando aboard as either he or I have been posting answering questions/shareing knowledge as "Triton" for the past 2.5 years.

Long Path

New member
Good luck to you in your future ventures, Fernando. I've never actually met you, but judging from the caliber of your friends, I have to respect you. Hope you'll be successfully assembling and marketing more quality ammo agin in the near future, sir.



New member
Thanks for clearing up that bit of cognitive dissonance, Schmit. I thought the questions about Triton had been sourced from "the horse's mouth" so to speak. :D

Anyway, I still welcome Fernando under his own name. :D


Staff Alumnus
sourced from "the horse's mouth" so to speak.

Fernando and I were the horse's mouth for Triton on the numerous Forums. Fernando "signed" his posts under the Triton Username, I didn't put a signature (that is how we distinguished btwn them).

Fernando Coelho

New member
Blackhawk & Long Path: Thank you both for the support.

I guess on the brighter side I'll be able to answer questions about various brands of ammo and now give my uncensored views.


Jason Demond

New member
Good luck Fernando!!

Should those of use who are loyal to Triton start hunting for a new brand? I was so impressed with ammo you gave out the first time on Glock talk two or three years ago, that it is all I buy.
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Fernando Coelho

New member
Jason - I can only endorse the quality and workmanship of the ammunition produced under the "Coelho reign". That ammunition can be easily verified via the lot numbers. Any six digit lot number and eight digit lot numbers (first five digits – Julian Date) of 20002### or earlier. That’s the stuff in my guns. Anything after…well…



New member
Fernando, I wish you the best of luck. Are Tom Burczynski and David leaving as well? Maybe they left already, but I seem to remember seeing something about Tom sticking around. I don't suppose that this may revitalize the BREN TEN project? (Please, oh yes, please, say yes, please, please, please)


New member
I know nothing of your ammo, however, I must comment on your last name. The reason I must do this is that my wife saw it on the screen and said "Hey! Thats what my last name was and I have never seen that name outside of my family!".

I have done as I was told.



New member
Stetson, where I'm from (San Joaquin Valley) you can't throw a rock with out hitting a Coelho. :) (I'm guessing Portugese ancestory, same as me).

Good luck to you in your endeavors Fernando. I have 230 gr. Quik Shok in my gun as I write this. It is great stuff. I don't know what lot it is from, but I got it from Schmit. :)

Fernando Coelho

New member
Correia - that means you either have an infestation of rabbits or relatives I didn't know I have ;)

If you got that ammo from Schmit be very, very carefull. He may have loaded it :D

Thank you everyone for the support. It means a great deal to me.
