Moving home, just a question.


New member
I will be moving home to daytona(fl) in about 2 days and the appt i found is 2 blocks away from the beach. now that being said my question is about salt in the air or sea salt corrision,i was thinking of going with a ruger p95 for sd and a new house gun. Would i have better luck with the glock because of the finish?and i know this is the pistol forum, but how is the mossberg on corrosion, speaking of 500/590 models?Any suggestions are appreciated, im looking for a good auto that wont wust, or if someone has a suggestion about oils or solivents then that works too.
As always the help is appreciated


New member
I live about 2 miles from salt water, and I've never had a problem. Just wipe your guns down with a rag soaked in your oil of choice (breakfree in my case) and you'll be fine.


New member
As to the Mossberg 500, I have one that has lived in my trunk for many years now. It has been wet, frozen, dropped in the mud, subjected to good old southern humidity, and generally used and abused and it is still going strong. No rust to date- not even one speck. I bet the 500 would be good to have living near the beach.

As to a pistol, Glocks are corrosion resistant, but I personally do not like the trigger. I have had good luck as to corrosion resistence with the following: Springfield XD, Glock, and Ruger SR9. As to the SR9, I have not had it more than a few months, but it has already seen extreme use (I am not easy on my sidearms) and it still looks great. Stainless Steel slide and ploy frame makes it pretty anti-corrosion. I think I paid $450.00 for mine and it is worth every penny. As to the Springfield XD, I carried a Service XD-40 for two years and its finish has held up decently. However, since the finish tends to rub off, I think that exposure to salt-laden air will do a number on it if given enough time. As to the Glock (17), aside from a few scratches it still looks new. My brother has a Glock 40 cal. compact that has lived on his boat (at the coast) for seven years. It has held up well considering what it has been through. To be honest, I do not think any other pistol except for a glock could withstand such repeated contact with salt water and still look and function as it does.

As to lubricants, I love CLP type products, especially the ones by Mil-Tec. Also, I like the plain old gun oil by Hoppes.

Hope this helps out!


New member
Read This First, and Then Make you Your Mind!

Above title should have read: Read This First, and Then Make Up Your Own Mind!

I've been using Breakfree CLP for several years, but I'm ALWAYS looking for something better. After I read the article, I was willing to give Eezox a try. I just received my Eezox 18 oz. spray in the mail today after receiving a quart yesterday by FedEx. Why two separate orders? I just couldn't make up my mind and so I decided just a bit late to try them both.

Jim Almashy of Warren Custom Outdoor is great to deal with, so give him a call if you're interested.
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